This simple forum was created to provide a place of OPEN DIALOGUE for the recovery of Sound Doctrine.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cult of Personality and Charismatic Authority

*A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.

*A cult of personality is similar to hero worship.  The term may be applied by analogy to refer to adulation of religious or non-political leaders.
Read more: Cult of Personality 

*Charismatic authority is a form of religious or political leadership and authority largely tied to the popularity and charisma of a single leader. This sometimes involves a personality cult.  A charismatic ruler is thus not simply obeyed but also is followed and respected. 

According to Weber, the idea of charismatic authority emerged from the sociology of religion, and is particularly associated with new religious movements (including cults) led by a charismatic individual (e.g. prophet), who can create laws by his decree that are sometimes based on revelations that he receives.  He gives advice to his followers and ardent followers see this advice/revelation as absolute commands.

A religion which evolves its own priesthood and establishes a set of laws and rules is likely to move towards another ideal type of domination when it loses its charismatic leader.
Read More: The Charismatic Authority


  1. A most interesting statement:

    "A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise."

    There is also the psychological effect of the imaging/marketing/branding of the image. Whether people understand it or not, images and words can change a mindset, belief system and even entire culture.

    Example: DeBeers has convinced an entire culture that buying an engagement ring is a tradition. It is a tradition now, but at the time DeBeers started their ad campaign to convince it was, it was NOT. Another quick example is Santa Clause; the red suited fat man squeezing down our chimneys. We can thank Coca-Cola for that.

    Take that in light of these images and campaigns we get of these "Holy" people. Eddie Long's banners are prime example. There is one that reads (to the effect): Live like Him. Love like Him. Be like Him. Of course, the "Him" is Jesus. The larger-than-life photo accompanying the words however, is Mr. Eddie Long.

    All of it (the cult of personality)comes together to have an overall psychological effect. This is why some of us defended the most asinine actions of our Pastors and refused to call for accountability. They are above us. They are the anointed. And thou shalt not touch God's anointed.

  2. I left this Church years ago and I thank God every day that I didn't hesitate when HE began to open my eyes to the Truth. It was the absolute best decision I ever made.

    Don't second guess yourself, when you feel it, you need to leave and never look back. The more your compromise the more of your life you are going to waste and the more regret you will have later in life.

    His yoke is EASY and His BURDEN is light. His grace is sufficient to not only save you but to deliver you from the spirit of jezebel and help you through the transition out of this perverted co dependency.

    You can do it. Do not fear. Do not compromise.

  3. To Anonymous 7:49 PM,

    I am glad that you were not afraid to leave when you heard from God for yourself to leave. It is important not to second guess yourself as most of us did.

    We questioned as to whether we really were "off" in our spirit or whether there was something wrong with us for wanting to leave "our covering".

    MP was good at teaching on the negative effects of leaving or how off and disgruntled people were each time members would leave. Then the power of agreement teaching would be preached again as if anyone who was hearing from God and left was out of agreement. Of course we were out of agreement. We were out of agreement with twisted doctrine and manipulative men in charge who were trying to act like pastors.

    We also realized that we were giving credit to a man and a church rather than to Jesus for delivering us and healing us. But then again, that's what happens when a cult of personality with a charismatic authority figure is in place. They push complete submission to themselves and the revelation they have and create an atmosphere where the church is looked upon as the church in town and no other church is as anointed as they are. Then the devoted sheep begin worshipping the leader as if he is the "Anointed One" and all are in awe of his revelation.

    That is the false covering that we were once under until our eyes were opened. When your eyes are being enlightened by the Holy Spirit and you sense something is wrong, that is your clue to get out and move on and never look back.

  4. Seeking the Real TruthApril 4, 2011 at 2:32 PM

    I am not sure where to start. I have been attending Cornerstone for about 10 years. I have heard talk of all of the things that have been happening lately with the leadership and have really noticed people leaving. Then, a friend who left the church told me about this website. I didn't really want to check it out for fear of it being a rumor mill or worse, I may find it to confirm what my heart feels is happening.

    Well, little did I know that it would have such informative articles & honest heartfelt comments & dialogue. I came to this article because I was curious about the title. It seems to fit the culture of Cornerstone & the way people seem to idolize Bishop Pitts. Everyone gets so excited when he returns from being gone and there is no denying how charismatic & funny he can be at times. He really knows how to hook a crowd with his preaching.

    Movin' On really summed it up well. I have noticed how the sermons tend to ebb and flow with the events surrounding leadership & the members who leave. I didn't want to believe any of it could be true. After all, Bishop Pitts seems so sincere & Sister Kathy does too; I mean about helping heal the nations & building schools & wells & getting women out of sex trafficking. It all seems like it is a noble thing & what chrsitians should be doing. But then, I have read so many of the comments on these other articles and it is like whoa, now what do I do? What and who do I belive??

    I guess I need to pray & evaluate if what I see is really a cult of personality. As the article says, people at Cornerstone do seem to not only obey Bishop Pitts and Pastor Robert, but they respect & follow them, almost blindly as I know I have done. I know some really long time members & they will defend the leaders no matter what anybody says to the contrary.

    Please pray for me as I try to sort through my doubts & confusion. I'm glad I found this blog and wanted to post a comment, but wasn't sure where to post it. This article seemed appropriate. I had hoped to post on the first article, but noticed it was closed. I really appreciate the dialog & think it is a good thing.

    Thanks to the blog author because I know there are many of us questioners & doubters still out there who need a good sounding board and help sorting things out.

  5. To Seeking the Real Truth:

    Hello friend! I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. I'm glad to hear that the blog articles have been a blessing to you.

    In a situation like this I have found that: "Necessary" answers come to us at the necessary time. So, pay special attention NOT to what you "don't know", but to THAT which the Holy Spirit has cleary shown you.

    If the Holy Spirit revealed everything to you at once, it would not only overwhelm you --but paralyze you from moving forward. (For years after this, you will look back and testify to this.)

    Keep looking to Christ, the author and finisher of your faith! And He WILL lead you through this..

    "Trust and Obey" --there is no other way.
