Recovering your Identity in Transition
So here you are…you have found yourself in a place you probably never expected to be. Let’s begin by sharing a brief testimony that was recently submitted to us. A former member shares what she went through when she realized that Life AT Cornerstone was no longer what she signed up for. She is a beacon of inspiration to those who are also seeking to restore their TRUE IDENTITY…
Dear Speaking Truth in Love,
Dear Speaking Truth in Love,
“Thank you for allowing me to share a part of my story with others. First off all I want to say to all those who left, that God WILL RESTORE all the years you spent at Cornerstone. We all have an exciting journey ahead of us as we follow God’s will for each of our individual lives. For the first time, I am experiencing a great freedom in Christ that I never new existed. I have never felt closer to the Lord, in so many years!
My story with Cornerstone begins almost 20 yrs. ago. As I type this, I can honestly say that I never thought I would find myself in this position. It’s almost surreal after having watched so many good and strong people leave over the years. Like so many, I watched and wondered what happened to them and why did they leave? Being that I was a dedicated, tithing member for almost two decades, let’s just say that’s a lot of years of indoctrination for lack of a better word. It has now been a year since I first started to gradually pull away from the church. And as much as I have enjoyed my new found freedom, initially it was one of the most difficult choices I ever had to make. Cornerstone was "the place" - "the church that had it going on" and Michael was the anointed one with the revelation that no one else seemed to have. So, how could this be happening to me? It used to be a place of joy for me and I have received many wonderful deliverances there in the earlier years. However, things have changed since and it's like my eyes have been opened to a very different spirit there.
Despite the disappointment in what “could have been”, I am moving forward with my life. However, I never thought I would face so much disorientation and doubt after leaving a church. Who would have thought that getting back to the basic foundations of the Word would be the antidote? It's just not normal to have to "deprogram" your mind or at least I am not aware of others who leave churches and need "deprogramming". I guess that's probably because most church folks are not guilted to stay or told about the bad things that will happen if they get out from under "covering". Again, lots of doctrine to sort through.
With that being said, I had to go deeper into the root issues of my attachment to Cornerstone. I discovered that part of my unhealthy bond to this church, was because I developed an unhealthy connection to a man and his mission. Of course this was always encouraged from the platform. Being that we were always told to “find your place” and “stay connected by giving and serving”. So, I gave them what they “wanted” and in exchange I got what I “needed” -a “place to belong”. Every Thursday and Sunday, I had a place that I needed to be, as I served endlessly in different departments within the church. My friends and I would often talk about how we were so lucky to be apart of something so big. There was no other place to be and Pastor was “one of a kind”. Although I use to really admire and look up to Pastor Pitts, now looking back I cannot honestly say I ever really “knew” him. It was more like knowing an actor and his "illusion” of a Pastor's Role that I knew, which is really sad to say the least.
When I first left, I spent a lot of time reflecting on “What really happened?” “Why didn’t I see this coming?”. I came to the conclusion that all my answers would not come overnight, this would be a journey. So I decided to keep moving forward and find another local church to attend while trusting God with the process. Upon my first Sunday in 20 yrs. visiting a new church, I felt I stuck out like a sore thumb, to say the least. The old fears came upon me, causing me to wonder did the Lord leave me because I left Cornerstone? Would God’s blessing follow me to a new church and pastor? Why do I feel so guilty for being here? However, I decided to push through my fears and enjoy the service without feeling the need to analyze it to pieces.
As I walked around looking for a seat, I remember finding myself at the front of the church. I expected ushers to close in on me any minute and shirk me away for violating some proper protocol rule…but nothing. Wow, this is different I thought. It was like being bound and then suddenly discovering I was already free; the pressure of possibly doing something “wrong” was simply no longer there and it was refreshing! After the service was over, the Pastor came up to me and said “Hi, how are you?” I felt a little embarrassed, but couldn’t stop a sudden flow of tears right infront of this complete stranger. I explained to him that I couldn’t understand why I felt such a heavy burden of guilt for simply attending another church. He told me.. “Because GUILT is in that house”. Wow..there it was! I was allowing the control tactics that were used on me in Cornerstone to STILL control me outside of Cornerstone. This was especially true of my emotions. I thanked the Pastor for his compassion and he called over his wife to pray with me. As I walked out the door that morning, I truly realized that at times FREEDOM is subjective. Freedom is always there, but sometimes our perception of the past clouds our view of the land we live in today. TODAY IS MY FUTURE I HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR!
I realized that my identity had been wrapped up in a church; even somewhat corrupted by the teachings and leadership methods I sat under for years. However, it will be up to ME to recover it. I would have to be the one to get back into the Word and stop attaching my identity to a man’s vision instead of toward my personal relationship with Christ. I did this for years at Cornerstone, without even recognizing it. Since that revelation, I realized that “Church” is not a building. I am apart of The Church, because I am a Child of God. And I am free to follow the Voice of God toward the place(s) HE chooses for me to join my efforts in helping others. This may or may not be indefinitely defined by one particular local church.. It’s wherever the Good Shepherd leads me. My prayer is that all reading this will find FREEDOM in following the VOICE of the Holy Spirit as He stirs truth within you…Just keep walking.”
Thank you for sharing your testimony "Confused No More", below are my thoughts about recovering your identity... (short and sweet)
Thank you for sharing your testimony "Confused No More", below are my thoughts about recovering your identity... (short and sweet)
What is the definition of IDENTITY?
The collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a person is definitively recognizable or known. And as Christians, we know that TRUE IDENTITY can only be discovered through a personal relationship with our Creator. According to Col. 3 --“you have been raised with Christ” -“ your life is now hidden with Christ in God”.
Phil. 3:8-11 -- Here Paul writes: “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ and may be found in Him not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law (works) but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings...”
From the above scriptures, we clearly see that your authentic identity is derived INTERNALLY by your relationship with God through Christ Jesus. However, when we belong to a particular church for a long period of time, it can become easy to gradually begin shifting our identity to the things that are EXTERNAL instead. In the church world, the external would be the "Relationships" and the "Roles" you served over the years. Maybe you were an usher, choir member, or children’s worker for several years. Human nature has a tendency to cause us to identify ourselves by the people, places, and things that are most familiar to us. There is nothing wrong finding people to “identify with”…meaning that you have mutual agreement. The problem lies when you begin to solely attribute your “identity to” a particular group of people. And we begin to believe: “This is who I am, because this is where I am and what I do."
What about the ever-present "social pressures" that measure and identify us by our constant pursuit of "new levels". No one wants to ever risk "looking" like they aren't BLESSED -so family problems and financial issues are often suffered in silence as we put our "church masks" on for the show. We all play up to that IMAGE that says "I'm endlessly committed to serving the vision of the house at all costs." Remember, no one wants to risk "looking like" they aren't "going all the way". So we must keep an IMAGE that is approved by headship...conforming into "his likeness and image". Of course Pastors, Ministry Departments, and Church Visions aren’t necessarily “bad” in and of themselves. Everything has a proper place -absolutely. However, those relationships and roles become toxic and unhealthy the very minute we begin to attach our identity to them. Friends, OUR IDENTITY is not wrapped in a "level", a building, a person, or a position. It is to be wrapped around the Lordship of Jesus Christ. But when we allow ourselves and others to determine our value by the status we hold within a church or the roles we play within them --the end result is always a traumatic loss.
Most dedicated long-time members experience a season of disillusionment when they initially leave Cornerstone. Especially those who have been raised in the church or have no other church experience as a point of reference. These individuals (especially) will feel the grief of losing what became the center of their life …for so many years. And even though, they may see the truth "behind the the scenes", it doesn’t make the emotional aspect of it all any easier. With that being said ---It is vital in this season, to have solid emotional and spiritual support to keep from getting lost in the waves of transition.
So…Why DO members experience traumatic loss when they first leave?
1) Simply Put: You wrapped your IDENTITY around “who you are” at Cornerstone vs. who you ARE in Christ.
So after you leave, you experience a sort of “Identity Crisis” by the initial loss and disillusionment. (A feeling that arises from the discovery that something is not what it was anticipated to be). This of course varies in degrees depending on how long and how deep your identity was wrapped up in Cornerstone. It will also vary in degree by how much of your FAITH in God, was equated to your SERVICE in "the House". But HOLD ON…this is the vital process ALL are taken through as The Holy Spirit begins to reprioritize your values and sift through a lot of what you've been taught. Be confident and don’t run away. Resist the temptation to look back at Egypt and especially don’t revert back to your old methods of coping with loss/change. Rest assured that God will restore Sound Doctrine and what a powerful new wave of REVELATION you will begin to experience! You’ll also be renewed by a paradigm shift in your mentality. The things that use to be “so important” to your church world experience, will also go through the wash. These various waves of transformation should never be skipped over or rushed through, for they are priceless.
2) Trauma also occurs when you first leave because --What is being “sold and promised” in the idealistic cult of personality environment, can never be truly fulfilled; it’s like chasing an ever evading cloud. The collective sense conveyed is: “There is something we are part of that is greater than we are and, at ALL cost, IT comes first.” The idea is so all-pervading that no one DARE QUESTION what the something is or your allegiance to it. This reminds me of the “Wizard of Oz”. A little man behind a curtain creating a world with the “illusion” of a special people, with special powers, on their way to a special destination. Wow…sounds like a great fairy tale, but the problem is that it’s not the Bible. The truth is (as with the Tin Man) you ALREADY HAVE everything you need on the inside of you and you don’t NEED the approval of “man” to access it!! Remember, Peter taught us that the ANOINTING cannot be bought by man, because it is not given by Man –but only given by Holy Spirit.
Often it’s the appeal to your pride that gets you INTO a movement and committed to that movement. And it’s the fear tactics that KEEP you in, even when you know you should leave. A movement’s destiny is found in one place and in one place only, and that is in the hidden recesses of the heart of the man who leads that group. For better or for worse, it is the hidden motives of his heart that dictate what the movement will become.
Friends, it’s YOUR responsibility to GUARD YOUR IDENTITY. When we are subject to spiritually abusive leaders who speak into our lives, our identity can become corrupted by assimilation. You wouldn’t place your wallet or purse in the hands of another person would you? So why would you treat your precious Identity any different? God forbid the condition it may be returned to you in! Unfortunately, this is exactly what we practice when we place our purpose and future solely in the hands of another…allowing them to direct our paths and usurp the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We treat the things that are precious, as common.
In a Spiritually Abusive Church, leaders become empowered by the misappropriation of power and a psychological need for total control. This is demonstrated in many ways. One of which is creating an atmosphere where members begin to believe that their “call” is to serve their Pastor indefinitely --or until HE releases them. Sounds more like a “Pharaoh Complex” to me. This is completely unscriptural and totally irresponsible. This causes the member to suffer psychologically, because they are GUILTED into staying when God says it’s time to go. Members often fear “missing the will of God” and “leaving or separating family”. Why are men so arrogant as to think themselves special enough to do this whole task of restoration in 20 years? The best we workers can possibly do is shield a group of young men and women from the present-day Christendom’s corruption, give them a healthy and positive environment to grow up in, point them to the deep things of Christ, give them a church life at the best it can now be experienced, and press them beyond our spiritual growth and our personal limits. Then hope that they will reach for the stars. Hope that they will pass on to the next generation an experience of Christ—and His church—higher than anything the last generation has known or can know. And no “One” is qualified in any one generation, to make the necessary leap to restore ALL THINGS needing restoration. What am I saying? Impartation into the next generation is NOT done simply through the “laying on of hands”. Impartation into the next generation, is done through LEADING BY EXAMPLE …OF BIBLICAL TRUTHS.
Friends, it’s YOUR responsibility to GUARD YOUR IDENTITY. When we are subject to spiritually abusive leaders who speak into our lives, our identity can become corrupted by assimilation. You wouldn’t place your wallet or purse in the hands of another person would you? So why would you treat your precious Identity any different? God forbid the condition it may be returned to you in! Unfortunately, this is exactly what we practice when we place our purpose and future solely in the hands of another…allowing them to direct our paths and usurp the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We treat the things that are precious, as common.
In a Spiritually Abusive Church, leaders become empowered by the misappropriation of power and a psychological need for total control. This is demonstrated in many ways. One of which is creating an atmosphere where members begin to believe that their “call” is to serve their Pastor indefinitely --or until HE releases them. Sounds more like a “Pharaoh Complex” to me. This is completely unscriptural and totally irresponsible. This causes the member to suffer psychologically, because they are GUILTED into staying when God says it’s time to go. Members often fear “missing the will of God” and “leaving or separating family”. Why are men so arrogant as to think themselves special enough to do this whole task of restoration in 20 years? The best we workers can possibly do is shield a group of young men and women from the present-day Christendom’s corruption, give them a healthy and positive environment to grow up in, point them to the deep things of Christ, give them a church life at the best it can now be experienced, and press them beyond our spiritual growth and our personal limits. Then hope that they will reach for the stars. Hope that they will pass on to the next generation an experience of Christ—and His church—higher than anything the last generation has known or can know. And no “One” is qualified in any one generation, to make the necessary leap to restore ALL THINGS needing restoration. What am I saying? Impartation into the next generation is NOT done simply through the “laying on of hands”. Impartation into the next generation, is done through LEADING BY EXAMPLE …OF BIBLICAL TRUTHS.
At the end of the day, all leaders will be held accountable for their deeds; a Day of reckoning will come. In the meantime, it's OUR responsibility to watch over what God has entrusted us with. And HIS PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE usually doesn’t end completely defined by one particular “Pitt-Stop”. We must be able to keep moving forward and ask ourselves this very reflecting question, “Was it really authoritarianism that did us in?” Or rather better said this way -- It was a second-rate approach to restoration by men not quite up to the job…plus our very willing decision to join in. In order to fully regain your true identity, one must reflect on what attracted them in the first place to a particular group of people. If we don’t TAKE THE TIME during transition to look deeper into the recesses of our OWN HEART…history will repeat itself somewhere else and lessons learned will be lost.
Let's believe for a future that contains better days and better men, higher standards of living a life according to Gal. 2:20- “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Let this testimony be the life of those who proclaim and those who respond.
I say, “This is your moment! Go and RECOVER YOUR IDENTITY…
your promised land is waiting for YOU.”
your promised land is waiting for YOU.”
I LOVE this article. I have to read it again and will comment further... I understand the "connection" and agree that it is with an unhealthy environment.
ReplyDeleteOne Bible verse blares at me today having read this article:
"Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?"
Your words/this article is/are resonating with me.
I am back with a rather lengthy response. Please be patient with me... PART I
ReplyDelete>>As I type this, I can honestly say that I never thought I would find myself in this position. It’s almost surreal after having watched so many good and strong people leave over the years.<<
I remember this. I so remember being in this place. I had an opportunity to relocate out of state for my career and the first thought that came to mind was, “I can’t leave this church.” There were other reasons I would come to examine, but this was first and foremost. I wanted and felt that I NEEDED to use my talents for THIS SPECIFIC HOUSE. As if it were the only house of God. I was married to the House. I found nothing wrong with that either.
>>It's just not normal to have to "deprogram" your mind or at least I am not aware of others who leave churches and need "deprogramming". <<
For some, I am sure this is absolutely true. I, however, am from an abusive household and have been in recovery for many years. At first, I was confident that I had found a strong healthy environment. My focus was on my Higher Power (God through Christ and then the Spirit within me). As things continued and I became one of the “elect” – the dynamics screamed dysfunction. This is nothing new to me either. The problem was that when one would sit down to “work things out,” – the one approaching seemed to be labeled as the one with the problem. Now, I know I have issues. I even know what many of them ARE. But, group dynamics were blamed on one person. Anyone in recovery knows, Dysfunction/addiction is a FAMILY DYNAMIC. Relationship isn’t one sided. That is preached from the pulpit. That is why there is audience participation during service. It isn’t only one person changing behavior/thinking. Recovery is about everyone looking at their roles and doing fearless inventories. And not only THAT – all of this is “recovery biz” is Biblically based.
The “deprogramming” did not surprise me. My emotional reactions, however, DID.
>> I had to go deeper into the root issues of my attachment to Cornerstone. I discovered that part of my unhealthy bond to this church, was because I developed an unhealthy connection to a man and his mission.<<
“"Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?"
>> Of course this was always encouraged from the platform. Being that we were always told to “find your place” and “stay connected by giving and serving”. So, I gave them what they “wanted” and in exchange I got what I “needed” -a “place to belong”. <<
>> …as I served endlessly in different departments within the church.<<
I always felt burned out in my service. When I stood up to take care of me – because I was overtired, overextended, etc or when my family was REALLY feeling MY strain, I was told that God would give me the energy and that rest was coming. I burned out. Period. I was told that God would refill my vessel. I didn’t feel it. Was it me? Of course! But it wasn’t that I was doing anything wrong or that I abandoned my heart for service – it was that I wasn’t taking care of myself in a healthy way. I became a glorified doormat. It was INSANE. Literally. I confused serving the house with serving God and then, the guilt started setting in.
I always felt my strongest ministry was outside of the house. Even in responding to this post, I feel like my experience and response is more valuable to people of the kingdom than anything I did within The Stone house.
ReplyDelete>> now looking back I cannot honestly say I ever really “knew” him. It was more like knowing an actor and his "illusion” of a Pastor's Role that I knew, which is really sad to say the least. <<
Someone on here once stated that there is a difference between “being real” and “being genuine.” I have since really meditated on that one. Whereas there is a presentation of being oh-so-human, there is nothing transparent about that man. Being transparent does NOT mean we need details or gossip or or or – it DOES mean that in order to maintain relationship, it helps to live in such a way that we SEE the humanity which includes the struggles. I am not sure if I am explaining it clearly…
There is a difference between someone talking AS IF and someone who is walking the walking and sharing. Of course, like everything else in that house, it is probably considered NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. So, we end up with a man on a pedestal who, by his own admittance, never ASKED to be put on the pedestal. In my opinion, he never had to ask. The dynamics of the unit have already assigned it to be.
>>When I first left, I spent a lot of time reflecting on “What really happened?”<<
I had so many WTF? moments it isn’t even remotely amusing.
>> I came to the conclusion that all my answers would not come overnight, this would be a journey.<<
It ALWAYS is. And as long as I am looking within and looking in a painfully honest way, where I am is ok (for now). My goal is to keep moving forward and higher in terms of awareness. I would LOVE to say “Move to the next level…” but that would just be mean. There are no levels, there ARE, however, perceptions. The kingdom is within. How can one get any higher than the Kingdom??
>>So I decided to keep moving forward and find another local church to attend while trusting God with the process. <<
The fact you did keep going and still trusted God is something worth patting yourself on the back for. The strength and courage this, alone, takes speaks volumes about your character and fortitude. There are many of us that haven’t gotten THAT far!
>>…did the Lord leave me because I left Cornerstone?<<
He will NEVER leave us orphaned. NEVER.
>> proper protocol rule…<<
I have grown to detest the word “protocol.”
>> “Hi, how are you?” I felt a little embarrassed, but couldn’t stop a sudden flow of tears right infront of this complete stranger. I explained to him that I couldn’t understand why I felt such a heavy burden of guilt for simply attending another church. He told me.. “Because GUILT is in that house”. Wow..there it was!<<
That is a powerful share. Thank-you for this.
>>I was allowing the control tactics that were used on me in Cornerstone to STILL control me outside of Cornerstone. This was especially true of my emotions.<<
I find that this creeps up time and again. I remind myself that the Hebrew children struggled with their freedom also. I still LOVE the OT stories. I do. This one is a great story that illustrates human nature very well. The difference is, I know that the Kingdom is within ME. It is that trusting God thing again. That is an issue with me. I start to get too uncomfortable and frightened about the whole thing.
>>I realized that my identity had been wrapped up in a church; even somewhat corrupted by the teachings and leadership methods I sat under for years. However, it will be up to ME to recover it. <<
Again, a powerful share!
My prayer is that all reading this will find FREEDOM in following the VOICE of the Holy Spirit as He stirs truth within you…Just keep walking.”
AMEN! AMEN and AMEN. (But wait - there's more!)
ReplyDelete>>What is the definition of IDENTITY?
… can become easy to gradually begin shifting our identity to the things that are EXTERNAL instead. <<
External locus of control starts from the moment we come from the womb. I believe this is part of our journey: learning autonomy. Only through autonomy are we able to BE. There is nothing more daunting that the question, “Who AM I.” It isn’t what we do. It isn’t who we relate to… although these things ARE mirrors to our authentic selves.
>>But when we allow ourselves and others to determine our value by the status we hold within a church or the roles we play within them --the end result is always a traumatic loss.<<
There is also the issue, related to this – that when we fall short of the glory of our LEADERS, shame is used as what… punishment? Motivation? Shame??? Really? And here I thought Jesus Christ took care of THAT 2000+ years ago.
Guilt is one thing. Guilt is a wonderful signpost letting me know that something needs to change. SHAME, on the other hand, is internalized and becomes part of that toxic false identity. What is even more mind-blowing is the idea that I am sitting in shame for my lack of dedication/time/involvement when the Ministry is living their lives in sin. THAT sent me for a terrible loop. It told me there were plenty of SHAME-BASED behaviors without any GUILT and without any CHANGE.
>>Be confident and don’t run away. Resist the temptation to look back at Egypt and especially don’t revert back to your old methods of coping with loss/change.<<
Very wise advice. Sometimes, also, we need to find people who know how to deal with this stuff in a HEALTHY manner. That does not mean they are ALWAYS healthy or successful at using the tools, it DOES mean that they are self-aware enough that they can share their stories as an illustration. As with everything else, the more one learns, the clearer things become. That doesn’t mean I LIKE it, mind you.
>>These various waves of transformation should never be skipped over or rushed through, for they are priceless. <<
>> Trauma also occurs when you first leave because --What is being “sold and promised” in the idealistic cult of personality environment, can never be truly fulfilled; it’s like chasing an ever evading cloud. <<
This causes difficulties for those of us (me) who are recovering co-dependents. My life is all about just missing that brass ring. Choices made in the past show I have stayed in situations because there WAS a promise of something greater/better/more fulfilling where as the actions and reality of those actions were showing otherwise. To find an environment that offers the same empty promise is comfortable. It feels like “home.” Of course, this home is “different” this time because it is dealing with God. It is Bible-based. How could I NOT get the brass ring? I realize it would be easy for the house to point at me saying, “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy…” but I am aware enough to know that the words of the house and heads of the house do NOT match the actions of the house or the actions of the heads. And like all dysfunctional kingdoms, when true insight comes to someone, they are ostracized because they threaten the foundation.
>> The truth is (as with the Tin Man) you ALREADY HAVE everything you need on the inside of you and you don’t NEED the approval of “man” to access it<<
And THERE it IS. --------> more
PART IV - The Last of it
ReplyDelete“YOUR responsibility to GUARD YOUR IDENTITY. When we are subject to spiritually abusive leaders who speak into our lives, our identity can become corrupted by assimilation”
.At the same time, try not to beat yourself up too long for having gotten lost for a while. It happens. It happens to every one of us. It is a danger in ANY relationship.
>>And HIS PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE usually doesn’t end completely defined by one particular “Pitt-Stop”. <<
Experiences are what we make them. There is no “wasted time” if we learn something profound. In fact, we learn more from our bumps in the road than we do our successes. The key is in learning, internalizing and then managing to do differently. A man walked down a path and fell in a hole. It took years to dig himself out. Once out, he took the road and knew to stay clear of that hole. Eventually, he realized that if he took a different road, he wouldn’t have to worry about that hole at all…
>>If we don’t TAKE THE TIME during transition to look deeper into the recesses of our OWN HEART…history will repeat itself somewhere else and lessons learned will be lost. <<
See above.
>>I say, “This is your moment! Go and RECOVER YOUR IDENTITY…
your promised land is waiting for YOU.”<<
My promised land is HERE and NOW. I just have to claim it.
To Michaelkenezer:
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your feedback! You shared a lot of helpful insight for our bros/sis. in transition.
Keep surrounding yourself with others who care about you and appreciate all that you have to offer deserve it friend!
To Michaelkenezer,
ReplyDeletePart 1
Where do I begin? You have so many insightful & well thought out comments. Thank you for validating my journey out of CStone & rebuilding my spiritual life after the Stone is rolled away. One can't truly begin to see things clearly until you come out from under the mind control of MP & his minions. It is bondage even though MP likes to preach about freedom as if that is what flows freely at the Stone.
It's not freedom if you do things for the wrong reason or to gain acknowledgement from "headship" rather than simply serving out of a servant's heart as Jesus wants us to do, not because it will make us feel important like we have arrived at a ceratin status level. Because once you get that small ever so small acknowledgement, you become entangled by the guilt & manipulation & a spirit of pride. Your identity does become lost because all of your time, energy & devotion is to MP's vision & achieving that next elusive level, even at the expense of your own health and your family's needs.
And how insightful you are about the guilt & shame you speak of when you fall short of the great MP's expectation's of you. It is codependent behavior, but even more, it is a means to keep you a slave to all that MP was building up to make himself look like he had arrived at some elite level.
If you ever received any ministry from RTF at CStone or any training in RTF, there is a stronghold they speak about called the fear-shame-control stronghold (a 3 fold cord is not easily broken). MP puts fear into people's lives by telling them all of the horrible things that will happen if they come out from under their covering or wander off to other religious churches. Then, when they begin to have any thoughts of their own or any sensing that something is wrong or maybe the Holy Spirit is showing them things, they feel shame or doubt because they are not honoring MP and his revelatory doctrine. So, the sense of fear & the feeling of shame causes them to become controlled by those feelings & then they become ensnared by the very leader who gives a false sense of freedom in the house.
It is cunning and abusive behavior at its finest. And interestingly enough, a vast majority of people who attend the Stone or who have left have suffered some type of abuse in their lives. So, the codependency is familiar behavior as are the feelings of guilt & shame. The very things we struggled with & initially sought out freedom from at the Stone, we eventually came back into bondage to through a leader who told us he was the "Poppa" of the house & set the culture of the house. Boy was that true in more ways than one.
To be continued...
To Michaelkenezer,
ReplyDeletePart 2
So, all I can say is that I am so glad I am free from the Stone & am continuing to work toward a place of healthy behavior. It is a process to undo all of the mental strongholds & twisted teachings of MP.
It is also a process to deal with the loss which brings moments of sadness as well as anger for the continued manipulative & deceptive behavior that goes on with MP & RP.
I'd like to say it is easy to leave, but I'd be lying. As a recovering codependent, you well know how hard it is to detach and make healthy decisions for your life. But in this case, you MUST & furthermore all feelings of guilt & shame & doubt must be cast down.
So, be at peace and keep moving forward. It is scary at times to trust God again or a church for that matter. We all have lost our identities to a manipulative leader & must work to recover our identities & do self-reflection, & surround ourselves with real people, touchable people, healthy people who can help us through our dark times; our times of doubt & discouragement.
And MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, we must know that OUR VALUE is NOT determined by our status & position in a church. Our value is determined by the very fact that God determined long ago that His Son's death on a cross was worth it because He loves us & values us as His creation, created merely for fellowship with Him. And best of all, He did it unconditionally just because He loves us. And because He first loved us, we can love Him, regardless of what sin & failures we have in our lives, for He will never leave us or forsake us or shame us or guilt us into loving Him. His Holy Spirit will however, at times, gently lead us through conviction to repent of sin in our lives. He doesn't heap guilt upon us to make us feel ashamed or less than.
And as I have come to realize, there is an apparent defect in MP's own personality because of his inability to truly love us as Christ loves us. Perhaps he has never learned or felt unconditional love in his own life and models what he has come to know. Sad because that just means his own preaching is of no effect in his own life. He has a lot of head knowledge & I believe is disconnected from his feelings & others's feelings as well.
In closing, my prayer for you is that you be at peace and receive all that is already yours freely in Christ Jesus - no works & no levels to achieve and for that you should rejoice!
Thank you for the testimony & helpful comments. I didn't want to believe certain things to be true that I kept telling myself I was just having an off day in feeling things weren't right.
ReplyDeleteBut now, I see things more clearly & know what decision I must make. It will not be easy, but I can no longer be a part of something I know is operating in deception & sin.
Please pray for me & my transition out from there. There are things & people I will miss, but I have been questioning things from heaship for a long time.
Thank you again for this blog and your honesty and truth. Who would have known what I have been thinking & feeling was not me being crazy. I have confirmation now that I must follow through on. I will continue reading as I search for answers & healing.
To Anon 8:23pm:
ReplyDeleteHello friend, thank you for sharing with us. We are here for you...and are absolutely praying for you at this time! (Feel free to read through our previous articles and links on the right, I believe they will help you in your transition.)
Answers come to us either by Situation, Information, and/or by Revelation. So we all usually KNOW the truth, but actually DOING something about it...that's a whole other thing. And here you are. You have chosen to follow the Voice of God vs. the voice of man. Congratulations!
We know that the scripture tells us that "Obedience is Better than Sacrifice." Following the will of God costs us something and it's not always “easy”, “glamorous”, or the “popular” thing to do. On one hand, it's exciting as you grab onto the new! On the other, it's sad as you experience the loss of letting go of the familiar. It's bittersweet to walk away from what became such a big part of your life. It will feel like a "divorce" in some ways.
However, the realization process is exciting as you begin to see the truth and ask yourself those tough questions. You will experience a lot of those “ah-ha” moments..NOW that makes sense. So, be patient with the process friend and KNOW that wherever God leads you, HE covers you. Maximize the moment and enjoy your new found freedom, as Christ draws increasingly nearer to you in this season. Find a solid, caring friend and talk it out. This is very important as you process and heal.
With that being said, there is NO greater way to start 2011 --than stepping out of the boat and onto the water. It's time to follow the Spirit of God as HE leads don't fear my friend. Just get ready for a powerful and refreshing wave of the Holy Spirit.
God bless! Speaking Truth in Love...
Thanks for this blog as well from a long time member who just recently left the abusive church. Smiles to all. God is a good God, all the time. Looking forward to LAC.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting the blog friend. Glad to hear God is continuing to bless you in Life after Cornerstone!