Maybe you just left or perhaps you have been gone for awhile now. Either way, I feel it is time to highlight the HEART of the Matter. So I write this article, in hopes that not only will you find it helpful in your journey forward…but that ultimately you will be able to draw purpose from those Precious Things that the Holy Spirit desires to give you. For truly the Hand of God is yet forming us, as He reveals to us individually --the true HEART of the matter.
What determines the destiny of any particular movement? What determines what will become of those that LEAD that movement and those that FOLLOW that movement? The answer to both is complex, and yet simple. Keep in mind, there are (2) sides to every coin.
Allow me to preface this article by stating this:
A movement's destiny is not found in how "safe" the structure is. Some could argue that it's the "system" that is to be blamed. There may be some truth to this statement. We know that certain unhealthy elements of any church "structure" will ultimately play a role in the future of that movement. Perhaps there wasn't any true biblical accountability among the leadership... While others could argue that "organized Christianity" altogether is the real problem... and if we would just meet without all the “bells and whistles”, then we could avoid the pitt-falls that we once fell into. There may be some truth to this statement. However, let’s hit REWIND for a minute and go back to the beginning…to when that movement first began.
First we will discuss the LEADER:
Let’s take for example a young man who has a heart to follow God’s will and he is instructed to begin a ministry in a particular city. 9 times out of 10, he is just simply excited that God has entrusted him to preach the Word and reach out to those in need. He will not have “all the answers”, so he will have to rely upon the Holy Spirit and any experience/knowledge he would have at that particular point in his life.
I would venture to say, that in the beginning phases of that ministry…..this young man fervently prayed over the direction of each step he was facing. He probably went all over town, walking in and out of grocery stores to humbly invite people to the church gathering. I’m sure his excitement and zeal were contagious to those he greeted. In the beginning, it was His church. In the beginning, they were His people. And soon those people began trickling in, receiving salvation and deliverance. The Word originally spoken to this young man was actually coming to pass as he pointed the members to follow after Christ.
Before long the fruitful movement began to grow and elders would need to be appointed to accommodate the growing demand of needs among the people. An official praise and worship team was formed and ministry departments were created. It appeared that the “dream” was coming together... So, at what particular point did things start to change? When the ministry was still small and simple, or later when the ministry grew along with the offerings? If we polled everyone today, there would be a lot of different opinions. Some of those view points would be correct, as hindsight is always 20/20. However, for the purpose of examining the “heart of the matter”: I’d like us to focus on the ROOT of the problem, and not just the symptoms.
When do things start to go in the wrong direction?
I have found that the answer to this question is not ultimately found in the “size” of the church OR the offerings. The answer does not lie in the particular type of “structure” nor “organization” a movement adheres to.
I have found that the answer to this question is not ultimately found in the “size” of the church OR the offerings. The answer does not lie in the particular type of “structure” nor “organization” a movement adheres to.
The root answer is found in one place and in one place only –in the hidden recesses of the HEART of the man who leads that group. For better or worse, it is the hidden motives of HIS HEART that dictate what that movement will become.
And for those who FOLLOWED, you must take the time to examine the hidden parts of your own heart in the process. This is for your good... to take those precious "lessons learned" with you and NOT become defined by the devastation. For this is the true HEART of the Matter…that ALL must face.
I want you to think about what I am about to say…
I want you to think about what I am about to say…
It is very evident that we belonged to what BECAME an “Authoritarian Movement”. It slowly progressed into this as the leader(s) increasingly required UNQUESTIONED SUBMISSION TO “their” AUTHORITY. The overall sense conveyed from the platform was, “There is something we are part of that is greater than we are, and at all cost, IT comes first –NO questions asked.” Members were eventually indoctrinated to “Consult your Covering” and to NEVER commit the unspeakable sin of “questioning headship”. Over time, the “Pastor” would slowly begin to remove himself as a real shepherd who fed, gathered, carried, and gently led. You can still make an appearance twice a week to preach AT the sheep….but this is a far cry from taking the time to personally lay down your life for them. Big difference.
As stated in previous articles: A Spiritually Abusive Leader is one who uses their Position and their Teachings to CONTROL, MANIPULATE, AND DOMINATE the sheep. Therefore, we were apart of what BECAME a Sustained, Spiritually Abusive Church.
But, HOW did this happen?
The MIND often chooses to IGNORE, what the HEART tries to tell us many times. The HEART knows all too well, what the MIND doesn't want to hear. Things will begin to change course... the moment a "leader" chooses to IGNORE whose Nature he is reflecting to the people.