This simple forum was created to provide a place of OPEN DIALOGUE for the recovery of Sound Doctrine.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The HEART of the Matter

Dear Former Members:

Maybe you just left or perhaps you have been gone for awhile now.  Either way, I feel it is time to highlight the HEART of the Matter.  So I write this article, in hopes that not only will you find it helpful in your journey forward…but that ultimately you will be able to draw purpose from those Precious Things that the Holy Spirit desires to give you.  For truly the Hand of God is yet forming us, as He reveals to us individually --the true HEART of the matter.  

What determines the destiny of any particular movement?  What determines what will become of those that LEAD that movement and those that FOLLOW that movement?  The answer to both is complex, and yet simple.  Keep in mind, there are (2) sides to every coin.

Allow me to preface this article by stating this: 
A movement's destiny is not found in how "safe" the structure is.  Some could argue that it's the "system" that is to be blamed.  There may be some truth to this statement.  We know that certain unhealthy elements of any church "structure" will ultimately play a role in the future of that movement.  Perhaps there wasn't any true biblical accountability among the leadership... While others could argue that "organized Christianity" altogether is the real problem... and if we would just meet without all the “bells and whistles”, then we could avoid the pitt-falls that we once fell into.  There may be some truth to this statement.  However, let’s hit REWIND for a minute and go back to the beginning…to when that movement first began.

First we will discuss the LEADER:

Let’s take for example a young man who has a heart to follow God’s will and he is instructed to begin a ministry in a particular city.  9 times out of 10, he is just simply excited that God has entrusted him to preach the Word and reach out to those in need.  He will not have “all the answers”, so he will have to rely upon the Holy Spirit and any experience/knowledge he would have at that particular point in his life.

I would venture to say, that in the beginning phases of that ministry…..this young man fervently prayed over the direction of each step he was facing.  He probably went all over town, walking in and out of grocery stores to humbly invite people to the church gathering.  I’m sure his excitement and zeal were contagious to those he greeted.  In the beginning, it was His church.  In the beginning, they were His people.  And soon those people began trickling in, receiving salvation and deliverance.  The Word originally spoken to this young man was actually coming to pass as he pointed the members to follow after Christ. 

Before long the fruitful movement began to grow and elders would need to be appointed to accommodate the growing demand of needs among the people.  An official praise and worship team was formed and ministry departments were created.  It appeared that the “dream” was coming together...  So, at what particular point did things start to change?   When the ministry was still small and simple, or later when the ministry grew along with the offerings?  If we polled everyone today, there would be a lot of different opinions.    Some of those view points would be correct, as hindsight is always 20/20.  However, for the purpose of examining the “heart of the matter”:  I’d like us to focus on the ROOT of the problem, and not just the symptoms.

When do things start to go in the wrong direction?

I have found that the answer to this question is not ultimately found in the “size” of the church OR the offerings.  The answer does not lie in the particular type of “structure” nor “organization” a movement adheres to. 
The root answer is found in one place and in one place only –in the hidden recesses of the HEART of the man who leads that group.  For better or worse, it is the hidden motives of HIS HEART that dictate what that movement will become. 
And for those who FOLLOWED, you must take the time to examine the hidden parts of your own heart in the process.  This is for your good... to take those precious "lessons learned" with you and NOT become defined by the devastation.  For this is the true HEART of the Matter…that ALL must face. 

I want you to think about what I am about to say
It is very evident that we belonged to what BECAME an “Authoritarian Movement”.  It slowly progressed into this as the leader(s) increasingly required UNQUESTIONED SUBMISSION TO “their” AUTHORITY.  The overall sense conveyed from the platform was, “There is something we are part of that is greater than we are, and at all cost, IT comes first –NO questions asked.”  Members were eventually indoctrinated to “Consult your Covering” and to NEVER commit the unspeakable sin of “questioning headship”.  Over time, the “Pastor” would slowly begin to remove himself as a real shepherd who fed, gathered, carried, and gently led.  You can still make an appearance twice a week to preach AT the sheep….but this is a far cry from taking the time to personally lay down your life for them.  Big difference.

As stated in previous articles:  A Spiritually Abusive Leader is one who uses their Position and their Teachings to CONTROL, MANIPULATE, AND DOMINATE the sheep.  Therefore, we were apart of what BECAME a Sustained, Spiritually Abusive Church.

But, HOW did this happen?

The MIND often chooses to IGNORE, what the HEART tries to tell us many times.  The HEART knows all too well, what the MIND doesn't want to hear.  Things will begin to change course... the moment a "leader" chooses to IGNORE whose Nature he is reflecting to the people.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Finding the Heart... in Letting Go

"A Testimony of Faith" 
Article Submitted by Angela

I looked outside at the drizzling rain and it was as dreary as I felt. I never thought this would happen. I was confused; I was hurt, and most of all I was in shock. The day before, my husband and I had made a decision, not one that was based on a feeling or a hunch; we made a decision based only on our obedience to God. We were not offended or angry. I can honestly say, that at the time, everything on the inside of me was screaming, “No!!!” However, I knew that I had pledged my heart and my life to Christ; therefore, whatever was required of me -I was willing to do. Now, I am not going to sit here and tell you that we left Cornerstone Church and "just kept marching", because that would be a lie. It took many months to finally detox and heal from all of the unscriptural teaching, heavy shepherding and unhealthy programming. After four years, I feel healthier and happier than ever before.

You see for me, the decision to leave was simply made, but it wasn’t necessarily easy….it had a very heavy price. I had labored in ministry at Cornerstone Church for almost ten years. I was fully committed in six ministries throughout the years, some of them I was serving in simultaneously. I also worked full time for the Cherry St. Mission for two years, and volunteered there for several more.  Over those 10 years, I had countless opportunities to preach and teach God's word, for CC in the prison, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, at nursing homes and other churches.  Most of the people that I ministered to were of the Alcoholic/Homeless population --which became increasingly difficult to work with that particular population of people, considering the nature of scrutiny the whole church had been under for many years at that point. I can honestly say that I suffered tremendously at times because of the church I attended.  In spite of all that however, I was committed to following the plan that God had laid out for me, so I continued to keep my eyes forward….patiently allowing God to mold me into the person He had called me to be.  I knew that I had been called by God and that He had given me the heart of a Shepherd and that one day, I would have my own sheep to gently lead and guide.

With all that being said, you can imagine how I felt the moment our eyes were opened and we knew that God was leading us to leave -the very place we had devoted our hearts toward ministry for many years.  That day, I think I experienced what Abraham must have felt like when God told him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. I felt like my heart was torn apart. With everything in me, I lived and breathed ministry. Some people have friends that they hang out with, they have hobbies to occupy their time, and they spend their time with their families. These were all pleasures that I had almost totally denied myself of for ten years. In retrospect, I realize how unhealthy that was, but we were taught to “sow” into something bigger than yourself. Do this for God, and He will do that for you.  I was reminded of the countless opportunities that I had missed with other believers, times that I could have connected on an emotional level and been nourished by relationships. However, at that time, the only place my eyes were focused was on the “vision of the house.”

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Characteristics of a Pastor

Article Submitted by:

The Characteristics of a Pastor

Isaiah 40:11:  “He shall FEED his flock like a shepherd: he shall GATHER the lambs with his arm, and CARRY them in his bosom, and shall gently LEAD those that are with young.”  

This scripture is a messianic prophecy given to identify the Messiah when He appears, along with many other Old Testament prophecies given to Israel and the world so that they would not be deceived as to who the real Christ is. Therefore, we take this scripture as the STANDARD for recognizing true pastors within the Body of Christ.  I Peter 5:4 states that Christ is the Chief Shepherd, we therefore are under shepherds; and we as pastors strive to follow his example in caring for God’s heritage. A note is needed here --the Greek word for shepherd is the same  for pastor, and they are used interchangeably throughout the New Testament. 

Jesus Christ himself was the ultimate example and model for a New Testament Pastor.   

#1. “He shall FEED his flock like a shepherd.”
A pastor must first of all be called to preach the gospel. The call to preach is a prerequisite to the five fold ministry listed in Ephesians 4:11. The apostle Paul in I Timothy 2:7 and II Timothy 1:11 stated that he was first a preacher, secondly an apostle, and thirdly a teacher. There needs to be a time preparation and maturity to make full proof of their ministry. How can a minister feed the flock of God if he has not first prepared himself in Word and prayer? The office of a pastor is so closely related to that of a teacher, that in some ancient manuscripts the words “pastor” and “teacher” are given as one word. A pastor should also seek the Lord in prayer as to receive from the Holy Spirit a fresh message on a regular basis and avoid the favorite hobby horse message that favors his own personal agenda. The message of a pastor would differ from that of an itinerant ministry, such as an evangelist or prophet.

 #2.  “…he shall GATHER the lambs with his arm,”
In John’s gospel chapter 10 there is a beautiful analogy of the shepherd and sheep relationship. In verse fourteen Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” God has a people for every pastor, for every pastor is unique in his own ministry.  Most sheep will not know this until they are introduced to the pastor’s ministry. I Corinthians 12:18 “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body as it has pleased him.”  There will be a witness of the Spirit that will bring a pastor and his sheep together in the Body of Christ... 
A confidence of love and trust to shepherd and sheep, that allows mutual respect to knit a bond of unity for the greater task of establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth.
This is why it can be traumatic for church members to leave the flock when that trust has been betrayed. However, we must never take out our hurt feelings in an unchristian way. That is why it is good to seek the counsel of others who have experience in these matters and display a positive message. Only our Lord Jesus can restore our emotional trauma; for he alone is the Chief Shepherd and our commitment should be to Him and not to man.

#3.  “…and CARRY them in his bosom,”
In order for the shepherd to carry them he must be close enough TO them. The obvious evidence in a church setting is the pastor makes himself available to his members on a regular basis. I enjoy seeing a pastor and his wife at the front of the church to greet the people as they leave.  Even in the setting of a large church, the pastor should be in a conspicuous place so that any church member has access to him. The sheep should never be made to feel "out of place" if they need to speak to their shepherd.  It seems to be

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!


Those were the two words spoken to me for those who are entering into transition.  FEAR NOT in this New Year.”  It is not a deep or super-exciting word promising new "levels" or financial prosperity; but it's what's REAL.  There are no magic wands to waive folks.  Our prayer should be "God give me the strength to withstand this trial and be better for it, not God take this trial away."  They OVERCOME him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.  And THAT friends, is real faith.   

Realistically, some of us ARE going to face very difficult challenges in 2011…perhaps like never before in your lifetime.  But as with every “great” challenge that presents itself, even GREATER blessings of revelation and deliverance WILL follow.  For He goes ahead of you and prepares a place for you!  When you OBEY HIM despite the cost, the BLESSING of God itself goes ahead of you and overtakes you.  For you will not and can not FAIL, if you keep ahold of His unchanging hand. 

Deut. 28: 1-2-- “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt HEARKEN diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to OBSERVE and TO DO ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:  And all these blessings shall come on thee, and OVERTAKE THEE, IF THOU SHALT HEARKEN unto the voice of the LORD thy God.”

I believe what the Lord is saying is this

You WILL certainly have the opportunity to become FEARFUL when CHANGE comes knocking on your door in 2011.    But YOU have the power to choose.  YOU have the choice to either invite "Fear" in and entertain him…or simply close the door and send him back to where he came from!  Remember, it's the Valley of the "Shadow" of death.  The Appearance of what evil "might do" is actually what's intimidating.   

You must say within yourself: No matter how I feel, no matter how my heart breaks and my mind questions the uncertainty of this life will go on.  And although I may not know ALL the answers to this puzzle right now, what I DO KNOW is this: 
"The Lord, He is strong and mighty.  He is with me…He will never forsake me.  He would never lead me into a wilderness of change, had is not been necessary for my good.  Nothing can hurt me.  And this “change” will not destroy my faith, but only make it stronger as I move forward to live-out the plans of God over my life.  So, I will embrace the changes that come my way –because they are necessary.  For the Lord is an EVER present help in time of need.  It is well with my soul because I FEAR ONLY the LORD and His Word.”
Friends, we certainly never expected the numbers of people who have visited and contributed to the blog during the past 3 mos.  Thanks again for your support; as it appears MANY are in need of it, as they seek to move forward in life after Cornerstone.  We all wish we could just wave that "magic wand" and fix everything overnight.  How wonderful if every trouble could simply be resolved that quickly, right?!  BUT rest assured --Answers for your PERSONAL JOURNEY WILL’s just a process.  You see...TRUTH unfolds much like a beautiful rose.  It’s layer after layer. 

With that being said, I’d like to focus our attention on those who are seeking support in their transition. 

So, to those who have been gone from Cornerstone for about a year or more now:  Would you please share one or two nuggets of Wisdom that helped YOU, when YOU initially made the Exodus out?  What revelation did the Lord show you that brought much clarity and comfort to you?

So… “What helped YOU the most, when you first left?”