This simple forum was created to provide a place of OPEN DIALOGUE for the recovery of Sound Doctrine.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jesus -The True Cornerstone

Ephesians 2:18-22
"For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.  Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with CHRIST JESUS himself as the Chief Cornerstone. In HIM the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”

It’s time for the Body of Christ to get back to it's TRUE foundational roots.  Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone upon which the entire foundation of the church is built and supported.  It is through CHRIST alone that we are:  RECONCILED to the FatherREDEEMED through His Sacrifice on the CrossEMPOWERED by His Grace, and COVERED with His RighteousnessJesus speaking in Matt. 16… "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on THIS ROCK I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

How do I know if Christ is STILL the Cornerstone (Foundation Stone) of a church assembly? 
Ask yourself if they are overcoming the gates of hell or if it's progressing the other way around?  Are they CHRIST centered or Personality/Man centered?  You see, whenever you shift the focus away from Christ and instead center it around a “man”…you are no longer building upon THE Rock.   You are then building upon sand (man), which is ever shifting. 

Remember the Canaanites who served false gods?  One of their known pagan rituals was corner-stone laying and seems to have been their most sacred and impressive ceremony.  Under this important stone of Temples, bodies of children or older persons would be laid, consecrating the building by such HUMAN SACRIFICE.  This centuries old practice of IDOL WORSHIP, is STILL being sanctioned in the "modern church" today.  
Many Canaanites church leaders are still trying to substitute Man where Christ alone should be.  This is the MAIN ROOT of our problems today within the Body of Christ --we are no longer satisfied with the simplistic Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Yes, we "say" we already know Christ is our foundation….BUT that foundation is not just something that was laid "way back when" the church first opened its doors.  The Cornerstone of our Faith IS in our Precious Savior alone... the intrinsic center from which the Body is vitally supported from.  THE CHURCH is not an "event" or a "Gifted Person" with a crowd surrounding him every Sunday --it is a LIVING Body completely dependant upon it's Founder/Foundation.  I am here to tell you -You are NOT “extensions of a Pastor’s hands”…YOU ARE AN EXTENSION OF CHRIST.  "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 

The next thing to ask yourself is, “What is the fruit?” 
Fruit is not gifting.  Fruit is not “x” amount of members.  Fruit is not the “big-name” evangelists or singers who are showing up for conferences.  Fruit is not whether people are still “falling out” in "big, beautiful buildings".  According to scripture --REAL FRUIT is seen in their teachings, their love-walk with others. 

REAL FRUIT is identified by asking yourself this one question"Am I being continually drawn to follow THEM or am I being continually pointed in the direction to follow Christ -for myself It's one way or the other. Whose voice leads your life?  How do they handle themselves when they fall into pressure or questioning?  In a “SET MAN” centered church you CANNOT find the true fruit of a leadership that is submitted to the Headship of Christ.  Why?  Because THE VERY NATURE OF THEIR STRUCTURE is fundamentally in contradiction with the TRUE FOUNDATION of the GOSPELWhat does this mean?  You see the “good news of Jesus Christ” is THE Gospel; being that we now have access to the Father through HIM and no longer man.  The “set man” theology teaches that the Pastor or Bishop is your covering and you MUST see “eye to eye with them for the Glory to be in the House”.  However, we are to be ONE with Christ….  “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”  Then the Glory of God will fill the house…NOT when we reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Pastor! 

This “Set Man of the House" philosophy systematically teaches you that empowerment and anointing are flowing from him (the "head") down.  However, Pastors are under-shepherds sent by the Chief Shepherd to guard and guide, not to dominate and dictate the sheep.  Paul said, "...we will in all things grow up into HIM who is the Head, that is, Christ".  So, it's not God, then Jesus, then Bishop/Pastor, then you.  NO –Christ is the Head...period.  "From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament."  These “set man” leaders are usurping the role of Christ in your life; being that they continually point you to follow them instead of pointing you to follow the voice of the Holy Spirit for yourself.  This is a LUCIFERIEN SPIRIT –a seducing spirit. There are
several examples in the Word of this type of behavior-- Balaam or Judas Iscariot, for example. 

The Operation of a Seducing Spirit:
-- Pulls one away from God, even if it promises to bring him closer
-- Self-Exaltation and Personal Pride  “I will ascend, I will raise my throne, and I will sit enthroned”
-- Makes wrong seem right
-- Justifies sin; exploits the true power of Grace
-- Encourages a hidden life – dishonesty/lack of TRUE transparency
-- Separates one from God-ordained relationships
-- Teaches a Word that "sounds" spiritual, but foundationally lacks true scriptural basis
-- Questions what God personally told you  "Did God say?"
-- Convinces you that you STILL need something or someone else to obtain what's ALREADY yours!

“Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” ...Spirits can masquerade as our own thoughts, or even as an angel of light. We don't need to live in fear or suspicion, but we do need to be ALERT and DISCERN the true origin of thoughts, ideas, feelings, voices, etc.  The very fact that the Scripture warns us to pay attention to these things -means that even believers CAN be led astray.  We understand that enemy spirits prefer to work under cover of darkness, hidden from view, much as termites working to destroy the foundation of a house. They do not want to be identified and will try to keep our attention drawn to the natural and visible realm. We can give all our attention and energy to the natural, visible surface and not see the hidden, spiritual root.  It can look "pretty on the outside", but if the Cornerstone is not longer set in Christ -it has "become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." 

How did the American Church and it's leaders get away from the TRUE Cornerstone? 
The modern-day church is surrounded by a CULTURE THAT WORSHIPS MAN.  As much as some of these "leaders" try to appear noble on the surface, not far below reeks of a power trip rooted in pride and insecurityinferior leaders who crave more to be the Saviors of something, rather than the Servants of it.  Most often their church structure grew faster...than their desire for the Christ-Centered Character [needed] to ultimately maintain it.  Not to mention that the "Greed Gospel" of giving $eed money to get rich has also robbed the Church of not only their focus, but of their testimony.  Yes, God wants us to prosper and be in health, but he also wrote that "constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain."  Think about this -What has the "Prosperity Gospel" REALLY done to truly bring real and lasting reformation to the heart of America and the rest of the lost world?  Simply throwing money into the offering plate WILL NOT change what is most often a result of our own personal, poor choices.  God is more interested in the PROCESS....of Real circumcision of the heart!  

However, the one evil that can destroy any leader faster than Idolatry or their Greed for gain –is a leader's own Self-DeceptionOne of which says "it's ok for me to ride on my gifts while I neglect my own prayer life".  This is why you are seeing so many leaders within the church, cancer-consumed with “Self-Exaltation” whereby they continually market themselves, instead of Christ.  They often address THEIR “followers” or their “fan base”.  You cannot change the masses by making them faith partners instead of disciples.  The average high-profile leader seeks enlarging mailing lists more than enlarging an individual's ability to live an independently functional and mature lifestyle.  The perfecting of the Bride of Christ takes longer than any one leader would be in his "prime" to facilitate.  And insecurity has become too rampant in our pulpits in order to devote an entire lifetime just to building a piece of the process.  "God called me, told me, showed me, and if you disagree with me then you're attacking the anointing in me!"  "You are either for ME or against ME!"  And let me tell you, this very abuse of power WILL open doors to things we wish had never gotten inIt is a "cult of personality" that creates an atmosphere, whereby an insecure leader's lust for power and control are fed but never satisfied.  A personality is fun to watch and cheer on…but only a true reflection of the unchanging power of Jesus Christ can save a nation!  And when we are not careful, we will end up serving God in the image we have created and/or in the image they (unhealthy leadership) have reflected it to be.  The image of His glory is not to be formed by limited humanistic perceptions, but rather by His true image as revealed through His living Word.  Again, we need to return back to our first loveJesus Christ.  Paul teaches to preach Christ and Him crucified.  "For it is the LOVE OF CHRIST that compels us."  Simply tacking the name of Jesus onto the end of a message does not fit the bill.   
When JIM BAKKER was interviewed in prison, he was asked how he could do such a terrible thing to the church.  The interviewer asked, “Didn’t you love God anymore?”  Jim Bakker replied, “Yes, I loved God with ALL  MY HEART!  I just didn’t FEAR Him anymore.” 
Folks –that is it, right there.  We need the Fear (proper reverence) of the Lord restored to our Hearts and back to our Churches.  This is only done by circumcision of the heart and flesh…a process that MOST are no longer comfortable with.  You see, you serve whatever it is you Fear.  When a proper Fear of the Lord is not in place and/or exhibited from our church leadership, you will know... because in its place will reside the fear of MAN instead.  This toxic mix of man and manipulation will ultimately pervert your perception of who Christ truly is to you and will completely rob you of your innocence to come before Him.

Let's move forward and get the focus off the "platform"…it is not a One Man Show.  It's time for the church body to look to Christ, who is our Chief Shepherd and Overseer, and time for those in leadership to help us to keep it there.  Again, Ministry Gifts are given for the Equipping of the Saints (for the work of the Ministry) and EDIFICATION of the Body.  Therefore, you are NOT Sons and Daughters of the "HOUSE" are SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD. 

CORNERSTONE is Christ and Him alone.  Everything else fails to compare to the Glory of His Name.  There is a world out there hurting, hoping, confused, and dying....Waiting for the Truth.  Waiting for the Answer.  Searching for Love.  Searching for Peace.  Jesus STILL is the Answer for the world today!  When the REAL Jesus is preached, the hardest hearts are fall to their knees.  You ask why we are not "turning the world upside down?"  It is because we have forgotten our FIRST LOVE...we are too busy eating candy-coated messages, chasing after men who proclaim the "newest moves of God", and constantly LIVING TO WAIT for "the next season".  If you are waiting for a move of God (originating from some Bishop) that is to usher in some "greatest-ever" manifestations --you will be waiting a lifetime or duped by false signs and wonders.  God has already released the Greatest Move Ever -Jesus Christ.  His Spirit alone is everything YOU need to see the manifestation of His Power!  It will NEVER come from a particular man and "flow around the world from him" -ever.  As a blood-redeemed child of God, WE (including leadership) need only to look to Him.  Don't be "it's on the way!".  Don't be robbed of the miracle of RIGHT NOW!  Friends, God is NOW.  And the only thing He is waiting on --is for us (the entire Body) to rise up and BE!  

When the Body of Christ truly reflects her Bridegroom....
then the world will see the LOVE of the Only TRUE Savior.  Jesus Christ

"There is coming a day in Christian America when the mass will get wind of a New Testament order that says that is okay not to expect to receive deep spiritual growth from the cheap seats.  That it is really okay to want a gospel that does more to develop them than fleece them.  And when that day comes, sensationalist gospel will be just like a has-been rock star of the 80's hair bands playing now to half-empty halls with a half-empty voice.  This is not just about a vision for a new building. It is about a vision to change history."  J.Konrad Hole....


  1. I could not have written this any better! It echos so many emails I have sent to friends, helping them find their way back to healthy spirituality. The ENTIRE American church must wake up to these truths.

  2. I'm a former Cornerstone member that left shortly after the first two incidents happened. I feel that I'm still dealing with the fallout from attending Cornerstone. I've been following this blog and find it very healing to know that others feel the same. I've seen both Pastor Maus and Pastor Martinez mentioned, but was wondering what happened with Pastor Mack? My concern being that I have friends who attend his church. I know the way he left Cornerstone was concerning. From what these friends tell me about his preaching, it seems to be very similar to Bishop Pitts. If this is the case, please pray for Pastor Mack and the congregation. Additionally, these friends seem to idolize him and think he can do no wrong. Am I overreacting?

  3. I echo the above. Great post and great perspective on the ways things should be or were intended to be for the believer in the new dispensation.

    Carnality and the Corporate Business model have hi jacked the Church and turned it into nothing more than a few guys at the top and their families getting filthy rich at the expense of hard working people. Exploitation of the laborer.

    Re Larry Mack, yes, pray for him that he does not replicate nor duplicate what he was delivered from and hit the repeat button.

    Starting another church business entity with the marketing and advertising focus on you never turns out good as we know. It is hard to pull away from that when people begin to look to you and lift you up. Power and co-dependency is euphoric and addicting.

    Mike Pitts left Lee Stutzman (his pastor) in Lima (not on good terms from what I hear and can imagine) and I am sure he had his heart set on not replicating what he "thought" he was delivered from and we see what happened. This can be seen over and over again with Rod Parsley and Clint Brown, etc.

    Larry loves people and has a pure heart like so many other people who just want to "do something big for God". Hopefully, he can resist the familiar and allow God to show him a better NT blue print for the assembling or communing of the believers.

    Again, excellent post above!

  4. Another powerful posting!

    The church seems to have traded the Mandate of Christ for the Corporate Mandate. How often have we all heard that the Stone is a “business?” How often are we hearing now that the church is really “taking off” since the likes of TD Jakes have taken Cornerstone under his wing? The place is on FIRE.

    When one researches these things, one will find that The Corporate Mandate of the church calls for absolute dedication and loyalty to one man’s vision. That fits in this case.

    We are merely the workers, armor bearers, minions to accomplish this vision. Loyalty is demanded. Sometimes there are public “ceremonies” to insure loyalty. MP even had his Pastoral staff go to the altar and asked “Are you with me? Are you here?” and each publicly answered, “Yes.” I believe the church was given a talk about the vision. He made no bones about it, this was HIS (MPs) church. This, of course, was after Maus’ dramatic exit.

    People become important for what they DO (or fail to do), not whom they ARE.

    “Associates fear that any expression of interest in another position will be interpreted as disloyalty.” “Senior Pastor dominance dictates that an associate’s first priority is submission.” (Setser)

    I felt this at Cornerstone. Obedience and Submission were popular subjects for a long while after Mack, Martinez, Maus. This doctrine of submission leads to suppression. This isn’t a healthy submission. One is told to not question. I remember the congregation being told from the pulpit, “This is MY CHURCH, this is MY VISION – if you don’t like it, GET OUT.” Perhaps this is the prerogative for the man with the vision (pull out the scripture “Without vision, the people perish”). Are we supposed to think, “Thank God he has the vision or else we, the people, would perish!”?

    I do not believe there is anything wrong with a Pastor having vision for the house he founds. I think the issue comes with how things are set up for the working machine of the thing.

  5. Anon2 - Part2

    One of the tactics is for the Pastor to dictate who can and cannot be associated with. And it is communicated quite clearly, that it is dangerous to question any of it. Assimilation into the Corporate Mandate is also achieved through developing a culture of blame. And when people leave, the guy in charge does his best to cast a shadow over that person’s reputation.

    This legalistic doctrine is created and any who are not “in” are outside and misguided (or even evil). Only those aligned within the group are considered acceptable. It is nothing more than religious elitism and can lead to spiritual and intellectual automation often seen from members of the congregation. (Setser)

    Who is anyone to decide who I speak with or relate with? Is the “Cornerstone” so weak that a relationship with the “black balled” will threaten the House? Is it a House of God or a House of Cards? All I know is, when I get black-balled, I will lose friends, my house of worship, ministry. That is a big loss. It is a traumatic loss. It is the type of loss that people do not just “get over.” It will happen because the guy in charge preaches it and is demanding submission and obedience.

    I know people who have sat silent in fear of losing friends. The loss was too great compared to what they thought they would gain by leaving. And those that leave have such wounds that it takes years to just start dealing with their issues.

    With compassion, however, I can say that I know the only reason a system like this exists is because the people in charge are wounded and do not even seem to be aware of it. They internalized it from somewhere. I am not sure the founding of a Cult of Personality would be completely conscious… would it?

  6. Please excuse my previous typing errors...sometimes blog formatting can be a bit tedious.
    Also, thanks for the feedback!

  7. I don't recall one time in scripture where it says...."submit yourselves and obey your pastors." Or am I just not spiritually astute? I think MP is mistaking a local body of believers to a forced militia

  8. Awesome post here! Clarity is a powerful thing, huh? Keep up the great work on this blog, by the way... believing with all of you that "chains are breaking" all over this city!

    I love the NLT here in Eph 2:20:
    We are HIS house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And THE cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.

    ---To Anon2 above (and many recent/current "CO(rnerstone)-Dependents" you might also find insight from an article I penned a year ago called, "The Nature of Dependency", where I discuss the path taken when moving from spiritual Co-Dependancy, to Independency to Inter-Dependency (in Christ). Amazing how our existing foundation in life can so easily be mistaken for Christ, when in reality, it is something altogether different.
    --Here's a link:

  9. To CS4094:
    Thanks for sharing friend...I'm so happy to hear that you are being encouraged by this blog. That is our desire; to see others strong in their personal walk with the Lord and moving forward to fulfill the plans God has for their life! Your question (Re: the Pastors who have left) was a good point of discussion to bring up. Thanks!

    I was not at C-stone when Pastor Mack left, but I did hear that there were a lot of questions surrounding his sudden departure. However, please understand that none of the Pastors “left suddenly”…they voiced their concerns, sat back and prayed, considered, discussed, hoped things would change, prayed some more, then simply followed the voice of the Father. It just appeared sudden, because that’s how it was explained from the platform. In any case, I will say this: No matter how anyone "leaves" a spiritually abusive church, will it ever be the "right way"? No. Because it is a severely dysfunctional family. Therefore, it makes it impossible for any Pastor/Member to leave (break free) in a normal and healthy way –that is the position they are put in. So, perhaps Pastor Mack exited the best way he could...or perhaps out of the advice of his attorney. Either way, he left and obeyed God despite the cost. And so that’s the end of the story. As far as members idolizing him and viewing him as perfect, I’m not sure about that. However, I do know that it is VERY common for those leaving a Spiritually Abusive System to just simply transfer from one place to another physically, but not transform emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. (Reference to the Israelites transition after leaving Egypt –it takes some time to get Egypt out of you.) So, I’m sure it requires a lot of patience and love for Pastors to work with these dear people. Nothing worse than breaking free, and to then just sit with the old mentality in new building. God forbid! (Which is also WHY we want to do this blog..we want people to TRULY be free…not just settling to walk with a limp for the rest of their life.)

    The bigger picture to me is this: All the Pastors that have left go through quite a transition. Like any other person, it takes time to sift through all the years of an abusive church structure and to carefully reexamine their basis for scriptural teachings. (AS we all should.) However, ALL these men have moved on to greater things. And “greater things” is not just hooking up with the next “big name” ministry out there…Greater Things is fulfilling God’s Word over their life and continuing the work of REAL ministry. A common theme I hear from most Ministers that leave Spiritually Abusive Churches --they all say that somehow (over the years) they were taken further and further away from what God originally gave them a vision for. They all had to make the decision to see that the “boat” they were riding on, was contradicting what God birthed in their hearts long before. Leaving was nothing personal, but it was in every way necessary.

    I would say there is a vast amount of wisdom to be gleaned and lessons learned; especially in knowing what NOT TO DO in the future. A process that we all are thankful for, once we get free! Thank you for keeping everyone in your prayers…I know their hearts are not far from you.

  10. I read and I read and don't know where to begin. This blog is truly God inspired and I commend the editor(s). I thank God that you are allowing God to speak through you to so many of us who have gone through this nightmare situation. And there are still many who have yet to embrace their freedom. I "uprooted" my family years ago by leaving Cornerstone. It was the BEST decision I could have made and I would do it again! My biggest mistake in leaving was waiting too long. I was fearing man and change and not fearing God as we are called to do. I truly believe my children's lives have been saved by leaving. They will not grow up in "God's House" with misconceptions of what the church is and who we are called to be as believers. They will not have to undo the teachings and messed up doctrines they would have received if we had stayed. On the other hand, it has been a process for me to get back in the light and allow God to illuminate his word in me. I put everything in question and started over fresh with God, saying "tear me down and build me up again." Scary, humbling, and worth it! I wasn't willing to live with the toxins of messed up doctrine, in my life. All I have ever wanted is to have a pure love life with God. It reminds me of Tom Bynam's visit to C-Stone. He said he just wanted to be a christian and walk with the Lord. He was talking about all complications with his attempt. A lot of people have gotten played in the process at c-stone, when all they want or have wanted was to have a earnest relationship with God. My heart breaks when I think of this reality! Our loving and forgiving God is patient and still waiting with his arms open to embrace us. Honestly,I am still learning how to be more carefree with God after the C-stone experience. I often find myself second guessing myself and a bit timid with God. But...he loves me, truly loves me, and is healing me and making me new as I stay close to him. The recovery is slow for me, but steady! Quite frankly, I am in the healthiest place I have ever been in. My Daddy and I are getting closer and closer every day! The voice of his spirit lives stronger and stronger in me. I am submitting to the process and he is fine tuning me as I go. It is so worth it!! REALLY getting to know God again for myself! It is empowering!!!

  11. I have been reading this blog for a few weeks now and I have been encouraged greatly! Thank you to the Author for literally "speaking the truth in love!"

    Regarding the topic of Pastor Mack, I would like to add a few points. First and foremost, I can't imagine the difficulty of starting a ministry in the midst of transitioning from a spiritually abusive system. Being the first Pastor in the network to “break covenant” with someone he truly valued as his spiritual father! Sorting through the garbage to find the truth, while still responsible for bringing a Word to your congregation every week.
    There is no doubt in my mind that these Pastors can use our prayers while moving forward, but as a member of Pastor Mack’s ministry for a short time, I would like to point out these observations:

    1. He was always praying! Always trying to become more like Jesus!
    2. He was a servant at heart. He offered to carry bags out to my car, start my car in the winter and scrape my windshield!
    3. He enjoyed fellowshipping with the people. He was always out after service talking to people and praying with them.
    4. He was a giver. A few times, I saw him give money to people for gas to come to church. Also, to a man who was worried about his finances during the Christmas season.
    5. Lastly, he gave me his blessing on my leaving his church with excitement. Although, naturally sad to see me go, he was excited about the work God was doing in me.

    However, I will continue to pray for those leaders that have left. That they won’t repeat the example that was laid before them…

  12. There is no blue print or 7 step plan for how to transition back to Jesus once you are released from the co-dependency at Cornerstone.

    Some say "get plugged in" immediately into another Church Business for fear of, well, not having others to be dependent on again.

    I have been out of this "system" for over 15 years and have had a plethora of people contact me upon their departure to ask my advice about what to expect now post Cornerstone.

    And again, every person is different regarding how deep the co-dependency ran with them and Pitts, but I have found that those who have been able to really make somewhat of a full recovery back to Jesus took some time in the wilderness in semi-isolation and coupled this with Professional Counseling with those who really specialize in helping those get free from co-dependency and abusive relationships.

    There are alot of great books out there also that can be found on Amazon by Stephen Arterburn that I found helpful.

    It also helps to fellowship or assemble informally with a small group of people who are going through the same or who have already been through this so you can have that support system in place.

    Anyhow, just a few thoughts for today. Also, if anyone, and I remember someone on here talking about professional counseling for themselves and their marriage post Cornerstone, know of a good counselor in the Toledo area it may be good to post their information here to help others...

  13. Anonymous 6:50pm said ... "It also helps to fellowship or assemble informally with a small group of people who are going through the same or who have already been through this so you can have that support system in place."

    As one of the people who recommend quickly getting "plugged in" again to a church body, I also agree with your statement. While a "Church" is NOT what people need, I do think it is one of the easiest and best places to find a small group to begin the healing process. When I left the c-stone machine I knew my family needed back into church quickly because we needed people who would love us, support us, help us process through what we went to, and encourage us to move forward. I did a bit of research and decided to start going to churches until the Holy Spirit spoke to us to stay. I was NOT looking for a charismatic leader or an organization full of programs. I was looking for believers to "do life" with. I was thrilled to find a church where the body is active in ministry, the church is not based around the persona of the pastors, and programs are being reduced in order to follow the Holy Spirit. As a result of getting in a small group, my life has changed dramatically for the good. I enjoy church, but the small group is where the most of my growth takes place.

    So, I agree that you do not want to jump out of one bad place right into another and I also agree that you need to get in a small group upon leaving to facilitate spiritual healing and growth. Often church is where small groups are easily found.

  14. To Love Villain:
    Your comment above about properly transitioning into a new church group was quite PRACTICAL and that's what people need!

    Your posts have been very balanced as well...thank you for your much needed contribution friend!

  15. I have to tell you all this makes me saddened. These men are husbands and fathers and the people who go to CStone are good people with hearts for God who beleive they are serving God for all the right reasons. We are in ministries and have invested our time for the greater purpose of doing God's will and furthering the message of the Gospel. We have children who attend there and are invested too. There are good things happening at CStone. None of what has been said on these blogs were known by the members who have good hearts and are serving God - not men, but God. Our God teaches us to love, forgive, have compassion, and to be planted where He calls us. I personally miss all the good people who have left as God has called them to do...but know as you comment you are talking about real people who are trying to do something for God and make a difference here on this earth. So I am truly saddened that all of you have been hurting and I pray God heals you, but we are all only trying our best in this crazy world.

  16. Saddened,

    If none of these things are or were known by those that attend Cornerstone, this blog is giving people the opportunity to know what they may not be privy to for one reason or another.

    Maybe they are in denial and are rationalizing because they have "so much invested", or maybe they are just blind to so many of the controlling and abusive false doctrines that are not Bibilical in origin at Cornerstone.

    Good Hearted people can and have been greatly deceived. This is nothing new, nor is anyone saying the people in the stands don't have a good heart.

    The people that followed Jim Jones to the Kool Aid stand had a good heart. That ministry did "ministry stuff" also or "good works".

    There is absolutely no scripture that says God calls us to a specific assembly or pastor. None. Zero.

    There is a plethora of scriptures that tell us to flee an assembly where Godliness is preached as a means to financial gain. There are also scriptures that talk about false doctrine and Lording over people.

    The Bible is clear about what we are to do if we witness certain things in the assembly, and again, no scripture at all for God called you to a Pastor or specific Church assembly.

    Can you provide that scripture?

    Whether you end up at Cornerstone, Cedar Creek, Saint James, Billy Bob Christian Center, or any other assembly has more to do with what is in "you" that attracts "you" to that assembly or Pastor.

  17. Anonymous (12:48): I will research the exact scriptures, but I know there is a scriptural refence to being "planted". I do believe God calls us to places where He knows we can be planted and bear good fruit. It also states do not forsake the assembling of saints...I know it is good to fellowship with other believers as encouragement and strength. My bible is not here as I'm not at home, but I will research and provide you scriptural reference. May God's peace surround you until we speak again!

  18. Saddened

    What is even sadder is that there is so much more going on than what has even hit the public. Regardless of what is reported, they are only symptoms to the problem. Which is even sadder.

  19. To Saddened:
    Thank you for commenting on the blog friend and for expressing your sentiments to those who have left.

    I hope you understand that we are here to help those (who are transitioning out of a spiritually abusive church) to move forward; not to attack the members of Cornerstone or to provide a forum for gossip. I try my best to edit the comments that do not reflect our name: Speaking Truth in Love. Thanks for your patience!

    With that being said, it is ABSOLUTELY alright that you do not agree with everything that is posted on this blog. It does not offend us one bit. I also want you to know that there are things you wrote above that I completely agree with. CStone people are good people; giving people; dedicated people. And (as a former member) I too invested years upon years of my time with the right heart as well –to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Absolutely friend! I also understand, that there are a lot of things that are (NOT) known by all the good members of C-stone..and of course that is going to be hard to initially hear. I sincerely empathize with you—everyone wants to defend their Pastor regardless (I use to be one).

    The other thing I agree with you on --I absolutely (without a doubt) know that God sent me (and others) to Cornerstone and it served its purpose. When that purpose came to an end (for certain known and unknown reasons), God moved us on. It was difficult at the time, but after leaving --it become clearer. Scripture tells us that “the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord.” “Those that are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.” “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” -----We can split hairs all day about whether this is in a building, home, etc. (To everyone out there reading…this is NOT the focus of our blog at this time.) Scripture does teach us -"And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house". So according to scripture in Acts 2:46, it's both.

    With that being said Saddened, God wants us to fellowship with other believers and he will lead you to those people AS you are led by His Spirit. There is no scripture that “plants” you indefinitely to a particular Pastor or church assembly. We are Sons of God, not Sons of the House. God sends people into your life, but he doesn’t call you to serve them..He calls you to serve Him --with them.

    As far as your comment that everyone is just “hurting” and we need to forgive. Isn’t that what this blog is about friend? A place of refuge where people can share and be pointed to Scripture in order to heal and move forward. Please don’t assume that everyone is stuck in the world of “hurt”; there is a difference between those who refuse to heal and those who are in the process of healing.

    Again, thanks for your respectable comments.

  20. To Speaking:
    Good points. I couldn't agree more that God plants His people where He wants them and since I am His child I know He will lead me and I trust Him with my life! I will go wherever He leads me, know that. I am His, He is mine, and all my hope, peace, strength is through Him. I thank God everyday for the foundation laid by grandma that to this day I have never fogotten...God is in control, the devil is mad about it, and WE ALREADY HAVE THE VICTORY! So, I know no matter where I am at...nobody can take that away from me! I live to serve only my Daddy...I call no man pappa or daddy BELIVE THAT!!! That bothers me to know end when Pastors or Priests or whatever are called pappa/father/daddy...ugh...that is so against scripture! I have a Daddy who loves me like no other and I hold onto Him always! May He be your Light through all this! Peace my friend :)

  21. This day of tornados reminds me of all the Thursday nights that we had blizzard weather and Cornerstone would never cancel church. It use to bother me that they would let all these people drive through crazy weather and risk their life. But if it was a different day of the week other than church days (tithing days)they would cancel. One time I was venturing out to go to church on a Thursday by myself..trying to get on the major highway and a police officer stopped me and said to me we are under a level 2 alert who in their right mind would have their church service open. I had to turn around and go home since the road was closed.
    He said this type of irresponsibility can cause harm to the medical and fire crew out on the roads trying to save lives.
    Does anyone else feel discusted in those things. Or has Pastor Pitts changed in the last 5 years??

  22. Is this a place to bash Cornerstone only or is there room for an Objective opinion here? I have been a Member for 14 years, and do not see how bashing would advance the move of God in the earth today. I did leave Cornerstone for a Few years and did not experience any of these emotions. I feel like what is the agenda here in this blog? I am not at Cornerstone to serve man I could give too sh##t about the Pitts. Jesus was the only infallible person on this earth and if the Pitt’s hurt your feeling Well get over it they don’t measure up and never will fact. I tried to read this to see is there any merit and don’t see any just bashing. Many lives have been changed and good has come from this church, but this would out way the bad so we don’t talk about that. Like are politics just point out the bad and we call are self’s Christens I don’t remember Jesus using the Bible for tearing down a church.

  23. Anon-I don't know who you are, but I used to go to Cornerstone, and I'm happy about this blog, it helps me deal with things knowing others have gone through the same things as me and it makes me see that I wasn't crazy for noticing and thinking the things I was noticing and thinking.

    Also, Jesus didn't have a bible, it wasn't written yet. But I do recall him speaking out against the kinds of things they do at Cornerstone and condemning the religious leaders who were leading the people to sin and taking advantage of them at the same time. So I think Jesus would be saying alot of things that are being said on this blog today, right to your church and your pastors if he were in Toledo!

    They don't allow it at Cornerstone, but here everyone gets to speak their mind and the blog person "Speaking Truth In Love" seems like a very well balanced and genuinely nice and caring type of person. So to each his own I guess.

  24. 1. The Lord Jesus probably did not read out of a copy of the Hebrew Torah. This event took place in a synagogue in Nazareth, which may not have been able to afford its own genuine copy of the Hebrew Torah. In any case, the record in the Greek text of Mark reveals that Jesus read and quoted from the Septuagint, the ancient Greek translation of the Torah
    Plus, the church is not meant to be gospel entertainment for your pleasure, so that you can befriend everyone & cast your votes on how things should be done while you sit back and eat your popcorn. As this blog demonstrates, Pitts has not tied anybody down to being a member at this church. He never locked you in, never even tried to win your friendship. So, I guess you'll spend the rest of your miserable life whining and being annoyed because you didnt' get your way at the Stone. It seems like, despite all the bashing, he still maintains 3000-5000 members strong. Just like Jesus, the multitudes will follow the annointing, despite what the Pharisees & Scribes have to say. You really shouldn't judge one's character.

  25. to Anonymous october 26 @ 4:58pm- There is no bashing here, just facts seen and witnessed by real people who where involved there. Your statement(...and do not see how bashing would advance the move of God in the earth today.)doesn't make sense. Bashing the money changers out of the temple seemed to work for Jesus...just a thought!

  26. To Anon 7:01 pm:
    You can try to play spin doctor all you want with your "appearance" of biblical history. However, it is obvious that your comment is one of an observer from far off with little to no discernment of your friend Michael Pitts’ true fruit.

    As far as why members and leaders are leaving --I see Michael is still using the same old excuses to explain everything away. I’m surprised you didn’t quote the famous one of all.. “They’re just a wanna be Michael Pitts.” Still telling everyone he’s 3,000–5,000? Yeah, that’s usually the FIRST thing INSECURE leaders often brag about at those Pharisaical dinners right after they’ve congratulated everyone on their new holy robes, crosses, and rings.

    As far as CHARACTER -that is what one does when no one is looking. You could easily check the Lucas County Clerk of Courts for that.
    However, our focus is not on Michael's personal sins. We are here to help those who have suffered due to his years of usurping of authority, continual spiritual abuse, and the effects of his weak/false doctrine. And since you love biblical history, you would know that Jesus called them VIPERS --Seducing doctrines that operate much like a striking serpent that numbs it’s prey.

    Romans 16--"Now I beseech you brethren, MARK THEM which cause divisions and offences CONTRARY to the doctrine which ye have learned and AVOID THEM. For they that are such serve not our Lord, but their OWN BELLY; and BY GOOD WORDS AND FAIR SPEECHES DECEIVE THE HEARTS OF THE SIMPLE."

    Sometimes the truth isn’t pretty friend….so thanks for the encouragement and confirmation that the TRUTH it’s starting to come out and can no longer be excused or covered up anymore. Our hopes are that Michael and Robert will repent and live as true godly leaders should.

  27. Just Say No To CultsOctober 26, 2010 at 9:39 PM

    It seems you have the roles confused, the Pharisees and the Scribes were the religious LEADERS of their time, not the lay people. But then seeing as how you think Jesus was reading the "Bible" even though it hadn't been written yet, I can see where you draw your conclusions (from your @$$).

    You are right about a couple of things though, 1)the Pitts don't measure up and 2)never will, especially to the Biblical standards which state the requirements for being a leader in the church. So bravo to you for noticing that. However no bravo for you for not applying the Biblical standards and conditions to your life.

    Anyone can read the bible, memorize scriptures and verses, even Satan does that...but a true disciple DOES measure up, a true disciple takes his salvation and the salvation of others seriously.

    Cornerstone has 3-5 thousand members? Thats a lie if I ever read one.

    "Plus, the church is not meant to be gospel entertainment for your pleasure, so that you can befriend everyone & cast your votes on how things should be done while you sit back and eat your popcorn"- but this really made me laugh because the church isn't gospel entertainment, it's more like a really bad Jerry Springer episode, complete with Baby Mama Drama, Paternity Tests, DUI's and arrests. Yeah!! Way to represent Jesus!!!!

  28. Yeah!!! Lets bash the money changers!!

  29. Keep up the good workOctober 26, 2010 at 9:46 PM

    I kind of see these corrupt pastors and corrupt leaders as the Scribes and Pharisees, I mean, they are supposed to be in charge and setting a good example for everyone else of what being a Christian is all about.

  30. Does anyone remember when John Bevere came to Cornerstone... He said some type of warning or prophesy to MP and he was never seen at the church again. Am I remembering this right?

  31. RE:Anon4:58

    I saw this exact cut and past on Pulpit Pimps. Anon4:58 is making the rounds.

  32. To Anon 11:54 PM,

    Yes, you are remembering it correctly. He never came back again whether by choice or by MP's doing we will never know.

  33. To Anon 7:49 AM,

    Yes, it is sad that the individual who thinks this blog is for bashing CStone has obviously not bothered to read any of the great articles posted and has not gleaned any truth from them.

    The author of this blog is careful to screen comments that would cause others to view this blog without credibility and who merely want to use this for bashing or for gossip's sake.

    Anon 4:58 seems to merely want to bash us and forgets that we are his/her brothers and sisters in Christ as well, even though we are no longer members of CStone and no longer agree with MP's behavior or doctrine, such as was described in the above article. Some of the misguided doctrine of MP was quite clearly explained and the truth from God's Word was laid out to discount the vain philosophies of a misguided man. When a supposed man of God gets caught up in himself and what he has built, it opens the door to seducing spirits which again, the article clearly explains.

    When individuals open themselves up to these spirits or are under their influence, it prevents them from seeing real truth. Their spiritual eyes become blinded and clouded by another voice of "authority" rather than Jesus's. Then, what appears as truth is more easily followed because members have ceased to hear from God for themselves and merely want to sit back and hear the next big revelation.

    Not only that, but these same seduced individuals cease to see & think objectively and then make silly comments about Jesus not using the Bible to bash the church. No kidding, He didn't have the Bible. He was the Word in the flesh.

    As for Anon 4:58 not caring less about the Pitts, then why is he/she there? MP & RP are "over" that "house". Furthermore, stating that he/she never had any of those feelings is sad indeed because this person can't even empathize or have compassion for his/her brothers and sisters who are hurting or in the process of healing. Anon 4:58 is too busy angrily defending a place in which he doesn't even care about the "pastors" who are in charge. Makes no sense to me. Sounds like he/she could use our prayers to straighten out his/her obvious confusion. Who would attend a church where they don't care about the pastors?

    And to address Anon 4:58 comment about the good that CStone does. Sure, I have a lot to be thankful for from the early years that I was there. I had a good foundation laid and there was a different spirit there way back when. I received many wonderful deliverances while there. However, one has to go back to the Word of God and judge what supposed truth is going forth and judge the fruit or lack thereof. From what I saw and heard, the truth of God's Word was being added to w/man's enticing words of wisdom and in the process, sin crept in.

    And yes, MP is not perfect as none of us are. BUT, leaders are held to a higher standard - again Anon 4:58 read these articles. MP & RP are leading and should therefore do so with integrity in a manner that does not erode people's trust and does not open the door to doubt their motives. Yes, we are to forgive just as we want to be forgiven. This has nothing to do with us not forgiving MP. We can forgive, but we must hold to our beliefs and act on those beliefs we hold dear to our hearts. We would be wrong to continue to sit under a man's ministry we feel is in error with the Word of God and whose actions are questionable.

    We are to follow Jesus's example, not defend our allegience to a man and his church because after all he is human and we should just ignore bad behavior as we are all not perfect. When we ignore our children's bad behavior, it gets worse.

    So to Anon 4:58, your thinking is rather confusing and illogical in light of God's Word. We are not bashing here and have never said MP hasn't done good or must be perfect. Rather what he must do is lead as Christ led, not with the hidden agenda of man and his enticing words of wisdom for wordly gain.
