This simple forum was created to provide a place of OPEN DIALOGUE for the recovery of Sound Doctrine.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Welcome to Freedom

“It’s not just about an opposing theology, or conflicting viewpoint on Jesus –This is about YOUR LIFE!”

For those who are new…
If you are someone who has dealt with the effects of a Spiritually Abusive "church", ran by hyper-authoritarian leaders --you have found the right place!  By identifying with others in the same process, you have taken the first step toward a healthy journey of moving forward.  Take a minute to Thank God that He has opened your eyes and KNOW that God can restore the years, the disappointment, and the TRUST.  For this is my personal testimony... and that of countless others who have since contributed to this site. 

As you will see throughout the comments, many are experiencing freedom from years of “heavy-handed shepherding” and are beginning to taste the fullness of a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Like never before, there is such a need to restore SOUND Biblical Doctrine and God-Fearing leadership to the Church.  The days of the sensationalist charismatic “One Man Show” are over… for these leaders have usurped the role of Christ for far too long, setting themselves up as our “spiritual covering” and fleecing the Body of Christ by manipulative “seed-giving” doctrines to receive the Word of God.  They are nothing more than peddlers of the Gospel… hijacking the message of the Cross for their own personal gain.  Walking around as if they are "untouchable", much less accountable to those they have been entrusted to care for.  A far cry short of bearing the fruit of a True Shepherd, as modeled by our Lord and Savior –Jesus Christ. 

A little history on us…
About 9 mos. ago, we created this blog for the sole purpose of providing scripturally-based articles and dialogue to graciously support and encourage those who were subjected to the same Spiritual Abuse, as fellow members of a local church in Toledo, OH.  Many have left at various times over the years, but each have found themselves on the same path of processing the years spent in an unhealthy church structure, subjected to what became an abuse of power by the arrogance of a narcissistic leadership.  This atmosphere combined with years of covering up unscriptural behaviors, that increasingly became known to members as more of a lifestyle, contributed to the shipwreck of what God intended for this once vibrant ministry.  As members were able to wake up to these truths, they began to transition forward and so there became a need to dialogue with others in the same process.  In doing so, many have come to realize that their stories are quite the same:  It's not "just me"... And began the courageous journey of sorting through the teachings that were slowly fed to them over the years --learning to take the "good", while leaving the rest behind they have found LIFE after Cornerstone and that more abundantly! 

For those who have been following us…
Thanks again for sharing your testimonies!  As we said in the previous article, we have accomplished what God sent us to say in regard to identifying the characteristics of Spiritual Abuse and how to become free from it.
Please continue to check back from time to time... for further updates.  

Where to begin on the Blog?
We realize there are several articles and comments to sort through.  We wrote them to coincide with your journey, from beginning to end….they are listed in chronological order on the right side of the home page. 

Depending where you are in the process,  I recommend you start by reading these particular articles first:  

"It's Just Me" -Life after a Toledo Pitt Stop

Signs of a Spiritually Abusive Church

Walking away from a Spiritually Abusive Church

Characteristics of a Pastor

Coming out of Egypt -A Testimony of Transition

LIFE after the Stone is Rolled Away -Recovering your identity in transition
JESUS -The True Cornerstone

Friends, this is only the beginning of a great journey of FREEDOM 
that has been waiting for you... you'll see!

Thanks again for visiting! May God continue to bless you and strengthen your relationship with HIM, as you move forward in this new day! Keep trusting the Father... for without fail, He WILL make all things new!

-Speaking Truth in Love

Sunday, June 12, 2011

“The BEST is YET to come!”

Have we not heard this a thousand times or more?  If I had a dollar for every time I “turned to my neighbor” and said…. I’d be… well you know the rest.  We’ve seen everything from TV Preachers exposed on the 6 o’clock news to prayer lines longer than a football field.  We’ve never been MORE aware of the Nations, yet so oblivious to the silent struggles of those within our own walls.  We have never been more "informed" and pro$perous and yet lacking at the same time.  And these are the days of our lives in the ups and downs of our Charismatic “mega-church” experience.   

But “Why?” you might ask.  I know God brought me there and then out, so what exactly was all of “that” for?

Without revisiting previous articles written, allow me to simply exhort you with I Kings 19:13-18

Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” The LORD said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israelall whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.”

Clearly the above scripture reveals God’s plans “within a plan”:

For throughout history, God always has a REMNANT… does he not? A group that refuses to bow a knee to the “Baal” of their day, nor allow themselves to simply ignore the ungodly practices and teachings that have crept into the lives of those within the camp. Remember, Baal was the name of the supreme god worshiped in ancient Canaan and Phoenicia. The practice of Baal worship infiltrated Jewish religious life during the time of the Judges, became widespread in Israel during the reign of Ahab, and also affected Judah. The Bible tells us to “come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.”

What’s more, REMNANT PEOPLE are those who have the ability to sense when yesterday has passed, yet wise enough to glean from it as they move toward tomorrow.

"Come out come out, where ever you are..." 

To get right to the point, this is a time of REPOSITIONING in the Body of Christ.  For those who have an ear to hear... You can no longer knowingly afford to remain hidden in the "Cave" of your Comfort, convincing yourself  “there is nowhere else to go" and so I shall remain here instead.  Elijah went on to say to the people in I Kings 18:21 "How long will you waver between two opinions?  If the LORD is God, follow him."  It is in trusting the Lord and not your own understanding, that you WILL find the courage to face the unknown that awaits you.  Until then, cave dwellers have nothing else to look at BUT the way out.... as the KEYS are already in the door.  Just find your strength and Peace will sustain you every step of the way.  Deliverance comes when we can march forward without having all of our questions answered at the same time. 

And to those who have already left...
He brought you there for a purpose and when that purpose was fulfilled, it became time to move on.  But NOT to permanently remain sheltered in "Caves" of Obscurity, but to REPOSITION you to be apart of what He is doing in your today.  He draws you out, to bring you back in.  So be encouraged, this shaking is due to the "changing of the guards" that is taking place right in front of you!  And PREPARATION is always needed in the meantime... the "wilderness" of transition is for your good, but it was never intended to be permanent.  Remember, Saul may have continued to hold the crown for a minute, but David had the anointing.  It would just be a matter of time before Saul became more obsessed with protecting his position, than he was with his duties as a servant of the Lord.  David ultimately became king because Saul began to believe he could live anyway he wanted; he believed he had indemnity because of his title.  He forgot the value of the priceless anointing that did not belong to him indefinitely, but was given to him for a greater purpose.  May we learn never to take for granted the precious Anointing or misuse our influence for our own purposes.
And so we all know that to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.  But the KEY is discerning when a season has fulfilled its purpose and obeying when the Holy Spirit begins prompting you toward something new.  At the end of the day, yes I absolutely KNOW and STILL BELIEVE... The best IS yet to come!  You just have to come out of your "CAVE" in order to embrace it!      

With that being said, this concludes what God sent me to tell you.  I feel that through all of our articles and comments, Life after Cornerstone has fulfilled its purpose in saying what needed to be said.  And to those who are in the process of leaving a Spiritually Abusive church, you will get through this.  It will hit you in waves as you begin to come to terms with the reality of the situation… but you will be better for it.  You’ll have a lot of “connecting the dots” and “ahhh” moments that will help you make sense of things, yet pierce your heart in the process.  Therefore, allow me to recommend you read our articles from beginning to end.  We wrote them to coincide with your journey of transition, depending on where you are in the process of moving forward.  It still amazes me how things get clearer, the further you become separated from it….  

I also want to take the time to personally thank each and every one of you who have contributed scriptural insight and words of encouragement over the last 9 months.  I know there was a lot of temptation to go on various "bunny trails", so thank you for understanding the importance of keeping the focus on the purpose of the blog.  And a special thanks to those who were willing to put themselves out there by sharing their name.  I thank all of you for taking the time to reach back in love to your brothers and sisters in Christ! 

On a personal note, many have asked me if it was hard to write this blog.  Yes and No.  At times, it is still sad to think of what has become of all that could have beenAnd even though your spirit no longer bears witness with those God once entrusted to watch over you, the heart doesn't stop loving them any less in the process.  Like David, who would have thought?  Certainly we would have never chosen to be put in this place and yet here we are.  Nevertheless, I refuse to minimize all that God did for me through my years at the former ministry of Cornerstone.  Some may agree or disagree with that statement, and certainly I cannot speak for everyone.  Remember, Cornerstone meant different things to different people... for different reasons.  And I will forever remember the faces of those I prayed with, believed with, and journeyed with for many years of my life.  This “circle” includes Michael Pitts and I am thankful for the person I became, just as I am thankful for the person I have become in the process thereafter.  I suppose it boils down to this... there came a fork in the road, and I took the road less traveled and it has made all the difference.  I will keep my Lessons Learned in my right pocket and follow this path, wherever He leads me.    

With that being said, “With the Word and the Spirit, Our Best is Yet to Come”…. Believe that.  Take the prophesies you have received and NEVER let go!  Forgive and then Trust again.  And when the time comes, don't be afraid to come out of your cave, REPOSITIONING is a sign of greater things to come - God will prove himself to you just as he did Elijah!  

Friends, THE BEST YEARS are really right ahead of us… 
waiting for us to embrace them.

-Speaking Truth in Love