"A Behind the Scenes" look at their common theatrics and motives --cheers!

To begin with, I'd like to preface this article by first saying that I certainly believe we should take the time to carefully and scripturally examine our leaders and their teachings --BEFORE rejecting them with the final "False Prophet" stamp. Such labels should never be hastily placed, however, one should certainly NEVER FEAR to promptly call out something for EXACTLY WHAT IT IS. As "ridiculous" as most of our modern-day False Prophets and Teachers have become (as they parade their theatrics to anyone who will listen or allow them the "air time" or platform to further their shamed charade); the business of those who usurp their authority and lord over God's people is very serious in the eyes of God. Not to mention the damage that is created in the lives of members who lovingly trust those in leadership positions. With that being said, we should carefully judge leaders by examining their FRUIT -Which is their Lifestyle, their Teachings, and their Motivation. We rightfully do so by using the guidelines of Holy Scripture and our Discernment to to reveal the TRUE FRUIT --then boldly proceed to EXPOSE the Charismatic Wolves AND their Teachings accordingly.
Prophets are NOT simply those who run around from conference to conference "predicting future events" on a full-time basis. This is a common misconception. A PROPHET (nabi`) is one who speaks for another, or one who lends his voice to another. A Prophet is one who has a message from God to His church. In illustration, a King will either communicate directly to His people or by way of His appointed messenger. By every right, Prophets are not only "foretelling", but they are "forthtelling" --as they speak the Word of the Lord in order to edify, exhort, and comfort the people. They are presenters of God's message to an individual, group, nation, or generation.
Why is this so vital? Because when we allow False Prophets and their Messages to remain "unchecked", their seducing influence easily slips in among the rest of the Body of Believers and causes great damage to their FAITH. Likewise, how much more damage is caused to the Ministers (and their members) who “sit under” these False Leaders and are forced to adhere to AN UNGODLY CHURCH STRUCTURE ruled by “Egypt-Like” AUTHORITARIAN DICTATORS? *Jesus doesn’t take it lightly when His children are subjected to slave labor camps and are finally FREED…only to find the enemy chasing after them filled with anger and vengeance –Well you all know the end of THAT story!
I certainly don't write this article to create an unhealthy suspicion of every leader within the Body of Christ. For surely, God sends qualified leaders who FEAR Him and are dedicated to the edification of the Body. However, QUALIFICATIONS are NOT indefinitely met at the “Starting Line” nor are they met because a “TITLE” is given by man. Biblical Qualifications MUST be continually met in order to function in a God-Given Ministry Gift (such as Bishop.) With that being said, we should ALL continue to “check our motives”, walk in humility, and speak the truth in love...
Throughout the scriptures of the Old and New Testament, we are given several examples of Righteous Leaders and False Leaders who have passed through the corridors of time. Same tricks/gimmicks, different generation. If such false prophets had the audacity to come face to face with the likes of Elijah and then later with the very Apostles of the Lamb….How much more shall we deal with them now?! With that being said, the Apostle Paul called out these "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" openly and directly. As he began to see the depths of the devastation it caused first hand, he did not cease to endlessly warn those living in his generation...and relentlessly wrote to warn the generations to come.
TIME FOR THE AMERICAN CHURCH TO WAKE UP-- Allow me to ask you a question --"Where do you think False Prophets are?? Outside the church walls? In other parts of the world? Only in Mosques, Watchtowers, Koresh Camps, or Mormon Compounds? Why would Satan plant his tares away from the wheat?? False Prophets are not only in the world...they are in our churches. What would be the most effective way for Satan to silence or distort the Only Truth, that can ultimately bring Everlasting Life to a world lost in darkness?
According to scripture, we are clearly warned of the days when False Teachers will run rampant and even "accepted" among the elect. READ Mark 13:22 --JESUS Himself warned us that false Christs and false prophets would appear and perform signs and miracles TO deceive the elect! Again, where do you think this could happen? --Should we then retreat and stick our head in the sand for the sake of fear and uncertainty?! God forbid. Instead, we should study the scriptures even more so to show ourselves approved --rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Contending for the Faith…Proclaiming the Message of the Pure Gospel at all costs….knowing the days are short and many lives are hanging in the balance on OUR WATCH. "Teaching establishes us, but warning protects us."
Jude 1:3, 4 – “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that YE SHOULD EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH which was once delivered unto the saints. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have SECRETLY SLIPPED IN AMONG YOU... "
It is evident that the inspired Jude had intended to write a treatise unto these brethren about the "Common Salvation" but because of the presence of FALSE TEACHERS, he wrote this short epistle exhorting them to contend for the faith. No doubt, had Jude written on the common salvation, he would have pointed out that salvation is common to all in that salvation is available to all, both Jew and Gentile, male and female. Since doctrinal corruption can ultimately cause one to forfeit one's salvation (Gal. 5: 1-4, Col. 2: 7-9), the necessity of "contending for the faith" is of the utmost importance.
(This article is really only a quick introduction to the scriptural guidelines that define those who parade around on hijacked platforms as --"God's Spokesmen".)
Revealing the FRUIT of False Prophets
FRUIT is not discerned by our 5 natural senses, nor is it defined intellectually -it must be SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED. Paul wrote, “But he WHO IS SPIRITUAL judges all things... comparing “spiritual things” with spiritual.” (I Cor.2:15, 13)
Let’s start by defining the (2) Sources of Deception Jesus described:
1) FALSE CHRISTS (or antichrists): Those who DENY that Jesus Christ, Son of God, came in the flesh as a natural man. They claim He was always divine and therefore never really died. “For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an ANTICHRIST. Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.” (2 John 1:7-8)
2) FALSE PROPHETS (grouped in 2 categories):
•Those who acts as Spokesmen for God, proclaiming another way to God that goes AROUND Jesus Christ instead of THROUGH Him.
For example: Those who don’t necessarily deny that Christ could be “a way” to the Father for some, but that “other roads” also exist as a means of leading people to God. John 14:6 “Jesus answered, I am THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. No one comes to the Father EXCEPT through me.”
•The 2nd group of False Prophets are harder to recognize. THEY ARE IN THE CHURCH, and if unchecked they can deceive even the elect (the saints). They are among us, carrying the same Bible, accompanied by supernatural gifts, yet they mislead by drawing people to themselves instead of to the heart and rule of God.